I read manga and I always seem to come across some characters that ALWAYS get lost. Like in Ranma 1/2 there is a guy who got lost going to a park to have a fight. It was a block from his house and he ended up being lost for a week. Throught the whole series he would completely get lost even when people flat out gave him directions he would still go the wrong way.
I always thought who could be that bad at directions? Well now I know lol I guess it is very common over there lmao.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Or zoro from one piece who has no sense of direction and the managers wife from the original working series that went to buy some milk but got lost for months on end
I always thought who could be that bad at directions? Well now I know lol I guess it is very common over there lmao.
I could go for a biscuit