the problem is global warming is like gun control doesn't matter which side you're on the studies and research are all bios to support the side the researcher believes in. i believe we need to clean up our planet. water we cant drink fish we cant eat garbage all over the place screw the studies stop arguing about what you're told and start fixing what you can see rite in front of you.
yep, when the world is in ruin and people are dead from terrorist attacks and war, least those last survivors will be relaxing with a comfortable 72 degree summer. people are dying of disease, starvation, overpopulation and again war and terrorism. MAN MADE global warming may or may not be a myth. much of the global warming is from natural sources. there is even studies saying we'd hit a new ice age due to yellowstone before global warming will be an issue. there are studies about how our polls are switching, that is leading to global warming. the only reason this man made global warming fad got so big, is the illusion, or should i say delusion, that we can fix it. we have much bigger issues right now.
Regardless of the effects that CO2 has on our atmospheric temperatures, we already know that it is having drastic effects on ocean chemistry, along with many other human activities. There's also several giant patches of garbage in our oceans, kilometers in size. We can't see the big picture now, but if we wait too long, it may end up worse than we think.
· 8 years ago
i think we need to worry about cleaning our air, cleaning our land improving our country. if each country tried to improve it for their citizens it will clear itself up. i think an international company is a bad idea. if you know how our taxes are used you'll see the more companies we sift it through the less money gets used. number out of my butt, say only 20 cents out of a dollar of taxes goes to anything. on top of that the money we used into this so far could have given clean water to many people in 3rd world countries. it is really wasteful. i also think we should put that money into building an effective recycling machine that we could install in every dump. it would separate all the metal, glass and plastic so we could recycle it into good and then the remaining trash could be composted. or even burned for fuel that we could use to power houses. we could clean the planet faster if we weren't focusing on the "global warming" factor.
· 8 years ago
also the effects that the co2 has on the water are due to icebergs melting, supposedly. this again is due to natural global warming that we have no way to effect. our best bet would be trying to make every house and road a reflective surface to reflect some of the suns rays. this would be the only way to revers it. again most global warming is natural. even possibly from the polls shifting. while the polls shift the ozone is weakened. underground coal fires are big contributors. naturally accruing forest fires too. they are just fooling you to think that we can change it with changes in our personal lives. it is big business. they are making profit off of it.
What is she going to do next? Ask Bill Nye to put that on his Nana's grave?