That's right! And the father should have no say whatsoever, If he wants to raise his child, too bad, kill it. And if she decides not to kill it, force him to pay for it . Sounds fair to me.
And as for the baby, it should have been responsible enough not to be conceived in the first place.
I can't tell if you're being serious or sarcastic. But I never said any of those things that you mentioned. I just feel that if a woman really wants an abortion, then it's within her rights to do so. No one should force her to carry on with the pregnancy and give birth. I don't however agree with abortion being used as a form of contraception.
I saw a documentary on this a long time ago, and it always stuck with me. The biological kid was in high school, and the family noticed that there was a foster kid who would sleep on a couch at the school library. The son eventually invited him to sleep on their couch, and after a year they adopted him! Very cool if you have the resources!
I wish I could! It was soo long ago; I just remember filing it away--like, if the (future) hubby is game, I would be too. (It was very much like 'The Blind Side' in its story arc--now that I think of it--if you've seen that)
Its probably cause they disagree with you. I disagree but i dont down vote i dont believe in that. I came to argue dough so here we go. If there is another human being inside of the woman's body then you dont just get to kill it. You are killing another human being the only reasonable times are when you have the two rare cases of rape and if it becomes a threat to the mother. That is all just because you had sex without birth control and a condom they dont get to kill another human being.
Birth control/condoms are not always 100% effective, pregnancy can still happen even if someone takes all the necessary precautions. I don't agree with your reasoning, I personally believe everyone has the right to choose, but I respect your opinion
ok well there is always the idea that you dont always need to have sex in the first place and how many of the people trying to get abortions have taken all the precautions they could have taken?
A fetus is not a human being. Viability is at 24 weeks. (And the chances of a premie that small surviving are miniscule.) It doesn't matter how "irresponsible" someone was for having sex. Pregnancy is dangerous, and you can't force someone to risk their life for another potential life. End of story. P.s. anyone who does use abortion as a form of birth control is probably a terrible person anyway, so don't use that as an excuse to control my uterus. It is MINE.
well i said up there the only exceptions for abortion are rape victims and if it endangers the woman. Also yes they are scientifically classed as a human. They share the same traits as us and im pretty sure they cant change species after they are born. They match up to the traits of a living thing except reproduction but there are adults who can reproduce yet either. So I fail to see how they are not a human being. Heck they can feel pain at 6-8 weeks.
They may be the same species, but at that point they are a bunch of cells that haven't formed properly yet.
And whenever someone brings up the point that "they can feel pain", I have to ask how you can know that? It's a foetus, how can you know what it can and can't feel?
alright well you are also a bundle of cells that is after all one of the traits for living things. Also here is a site that explains it also my bad it was not 6-8 but 20 weeks.
it is not just a clump of cells and it does have a nervous system that develops at 20 weeks as my source said. it is developing organs a heart and a brain otherwise how can it eat and yet again by the scientific definition of a living being it is alive and also it is human as it cannot change species.
We're not talking about 20 weeks though. We were talking about what you originally said which was 6-8 weeks.
But like I said, the majority of abortions are carried out before 20 weeks, and you can't get one after that point unless it's an emergency. So what's the problem?
The problem is its a living creature regardless of how developed it is it is alive it is human so just because you wanted to have sex does not mean you can take away the consequences of that by killing another human being it is unethical and i have yet to see how it is not a human being it fits the description of a living creature scientifically and it also cannot be another species because only humans can make other humans
Ok if someone cannot survive without a machine or be self sustained does that mean they are not human? also chilled how are they not human i have explained how they are but saying they are a lump of cells is not explaining it like i said you are a bundle of cells and yet again that is one of the scientific features of a living creature. It literally says if you are a bundle of cells you are a living creature. So you are right you are killing a living creature except that living creature is a human
But it is not a human yet. Why don't you understand that? If you were to take the foetus out at 6-8 weeks, it would not be a baby yet. At that stage, while they have a heartbeat, the brain has not developed yet. It's not alive at that point.
It's not a human. It's just a fetus until she gives birth to it. We are human, rather than a clump of cells, because we have thoughts and complex emotions. We breathe and live. However, the fetus has a heartbeat, and that's... about it. It is not a living being yet. You are not technically killing it, since it's not even alive in the first place.
It is the woman growing the fetus's choice, as it is her fetus, and her body. I am pro-choice. You can say it's wrong, or murder even, but I think a woman should be allowed to make the choice she wants. You do not control her, her thoughts, or her body.
No you cannot do whatever you want you made the choice to have sex you must deal with it the reason being is my adopted sisters mom said my body my choice and so she drank and smoked and now my sister has a very underdeveloped brain and struggles daily through life with that attitude. If you made the choice you need to take responsibility.
I'm sorry that happened to your sister, but what does that have to do with abortion? I mentioned this to some else on this post too. You could use all the contraception out there, and still get pregnant. What if the condom split? Then what? You were protecting yourself so you wouldn't get pregnant, it happened anyway, and now you're expected to carry out your pregnancy and give birth to a child you didn't want in the first place?
That's not right.
It applies because you are protecting this attitude that this is my body and i can do what i want the thing is you cannot do whatever you want you must realize you took the risk and you got stuck with the consequences. Yet again how many people are taking all available contraception and then getting pregnant?
The majority actually. You're not a woman so you won't ever have to go through the pain of making this choice. If I was sexually active, using contraception, and I still got pregnant, I would probably have to have one. I'm still young, and I can't financially support a baby.
It may not be their choice to have sex. What if they were raped? Either way, contraception sometimes fails. It is not 100% failsafe. What if the condom splits? What if the pill doesn't work? What if the shot was administered wrong? What if the IUD fails? Contraception does help, but sometimes it doesn't stop a pregnancy.
For the third time i have said rape is an exception that was in my first comment and now like i have said and i dont believe you unless i see a source that says that the majority of people were using all the available contraceptives. I know that they are not 100% but how many people getting an abortion are using all of the available ones. People know sex make a baby and you need to be ready for that you dont have to have sex. No one has a gun to your head. The baby is alive unless you can convince all of science that it is not and you chose to take the risk in creating it
But it's not though. A heart beat doesn't mean that it's alive. At 6-8 weeks, there is no brain activity because the brain hasn't formed yet. But like I said before, you're not a woman. It's easy to be against something you'll never have to go through.
Yeah but im a human being idgaf what she has to go through you cant just kill another person. Now im done reciting it go look up the scientific definition of a living thing
You don't give a fuck about what a woman has to go through during pregnancy? That is the most selfish thing I've ever heard. If you were a woman, you would care. If you were a woman, although you may not agree with abortion, you would be able to understand why people choose to do it. There is no reasoning with you what so ever.
No i dont understand because you dont have to have sex!! women have sex and then just kill another human being because oh boy its not like i knew that creates a human. If anything you are selfish. all you want is for women to have sex and feel all nice and dandy all the time its not like we gotta worry about consequences i just wanna enjoy MY Life THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS. No ones else's not the baby i created he should have chosen not to be in me. Whatever though ima go get him killed because i dont wanna feel bad for my decision in having sex before i could handle the worse consequences.
So what, everyone should just stay celibate? I didn't say any of what you just mentioned. My argument is that everyone has the right to choose what happens to their body. You're going off topic now, presumably because you have no more valid points to make.
Really after you're whole argument last reply was that im a man so I wont understand. You couldnt source any of your info even. When I called you out for it you just ignored it and went on another tangent in the argument. Im not saying they should stay celibate im saying they should be prepared to accept the highest risk if they choose to do an activity that has one. You cant just have sex all you want and then kill the baby all you want. What part of my last argument was off topic?
For the last time, you're not killing anything. It's not alive. It feels no pain, has no thoughts, or emotions. It's not even aware it /exists/. It's not aware of anything.
Think about it this way. Would you rather end someone's suffering before it could begin or let them suffer for a long time because their mother couldn't support them nor take care of them. If you're so against abortion go volunteer at orphanges and help take care of the kids that had to live and try to live because their parents either weren't able to keep them, didn't want them, or whatever other reason.
everyone deserves a chance at life even orphans can live happy lives. I dont have to work at orphanages to show my disgust in abortion. Some of the greatest of people came from orphanages. I guess this debate is really over i guess you guys have your views and I have mine nothing more too it. My views stem from my religion mostly so for me I dont think I can ever look at abortion positively. Thanks for the debate it was fun.
I feel this debate is over, but before I go, orphans rarely live happy lives. They spend time thinking about their parents, and what could have been. Or, if they were adopted at an early age, imagine what happens when they find out they were adopted?
imagine what would happen if their parents took responsibility and cared for them. I do believe in adoption but people in the first place should take care of their kids. My family also believes in adoption as my sister is adopted so ima end it here
My professor has adopted a boy from Vietnam and a boy from India, and she spoke about her experience. In some countries like Vietnam, there is a demand for adopted babies, so parents are exploited. The reason she adopted her second son from India is because they have a very strict adoption system to be sure A) there are absolutely relatives that want him and B) he will be well cared for in America. It took years from first contacting the orphanage to actually meeting their son. The reason there are 9,000 unadopted children in India is because India saw the exploitation that went on in other countries because there were more people who wanted to adopt than there were availiable babies.
Ha ha ha! I can't believe I made that mistake! I really feel dumb now after typing all that out. Well you got some unsolicited information about India I guess :/
What's the age limit on pro life? How many months old? Cause last I checked it wasn't babies but pre teens who were the hardest to adopt. Who have a higher chance of leaving the social welfare system and ending up in other government systems, when no one takes them in. Up with food stamps down with abortions? Is that the chant? What about refugees from other countries fleeing total war and daily death? What of their kids? 100% of terrorists start as fetuses, and from Manson to Oklahoma City, to countless mass shootings and beyond, that American fetus has a larger chance of causing a major domestic death toll. So, why aren't you adopting families from these countries? Why not protest Capitol Hill to increase the budget for children and families in need? What are you willing to give to stop abortion? Anyone can yell and shame, where's your love, especially you religious ones? Where's the grace and charity? I see a lot of hate and closed doors.
hate the idea of abortion but have to say im prochoice. im a social worker working with kids in the foster care system and have seen first hand the effect on the kid of having a child you cant afford or dont want. Always promote adoption but i respect and support the bioparents right to choose.
I just thought they were trying to be yeah I wanna adopt a baby because I love babies! Not telling people they're bad. Just let's support struggling mothers and love their children.
That's your experience. You can't force people to feel the way you do because of what happened to you. You want a baby, others don't and shouldn't be forced to.
· 8 years ago
Can't science find a way to take the fetuses and grow them in a faux womb PLEASE :,( i'm sorry but if an abortion is "just an abortion" to you and nothing serious, you have to honestly question your views on the process of birth. Why is it we warn hunters not to shoot pregnant animals but we just don't care about a fetus, as if it's nothing and will never be anything. I can understand some reasoning for abortion such as rape, extreme deforimty or likely death of the mother but just because you were really irresponsible does not mean we have to kill off, yes kill off, a child. I sort of look at women and men who just don't give a single fuck about an unborn child, it's shocking.
You could be completely safe and use every kind of contraception, and still get pregnant.
· 8 years ago
But YOU'RE having sex. Something that isn't meant for pleasure, WE do it for pleasure, it's FOR impregnating and always has been. You don't HAVE to have sex you CHOOSE to, knowing full and well that it is by no means a primary source of pleasure, instead it is meant to impregnate a woman and have a child. But no, that's somehow the baby in the wombs fault.
I don't know anything about hunting but I think not hunting pregnant animals maybe ensures that there will be game to hunt the following years?? We do perform abortions on some animals. Some vets will perform abortions on dogs, cats, and more commonly horses(no medical condition necessary). It's pretty rare for cats and dogs because people tend to sell the puppies and kittens for $$$.
People forget that sometimes it is better to be dead then live with an abusive parent or without love. I know a lot of people that probably should have aborted their children. An unwanted unloved child often winds up killing themselves in one way or another.
And as for the baby, it should have been responsible enough not to be conceived in the first place.
And whenever someone brings up the point that "they can feel pain", I have to ask how you can know that? It's a foetus, how can you know what it can and can't feel?
But like I said, the majority of abortions are carried out before 20 weeks, and you can't get one after that point unless it's an emergency. So what's the problem?
It is the woman growing the fetus's choice, as it is her fetus, and her body. I am pro-choice. You can say it's wrong, or murder even, but I think a woman should be allowed to make the choice she wants. You do not control her, her thoughts, or her body.
That's not right.