Declaring war =/= being at war, so that it's reeeeeally hard to tell what counts as war. I think one of the broadest possible definitions of "being at war" has been taken here :)
We faught the English empire in 1812. Yeah we invaded what is now Canada and lost that doesn't mean the Canadians beat us that just means the English beat us given that Canada was English territory.
And to be fair we didn't "win" the first world war that was the English and the French. We just helped. And if by win than by number of dead for the winning side then the Soviets won WW2 by far. The US lost some 360,000 servicemen in ww2 vs roughly 10,000,000 for the USSR.
To be fair to everyone else on the Allies, the Soviet Leadership viewed human life as dispensable as shit. They did a lot of unnecessary dying on some really cruel fronts. Hell, they had penal group composed of guys who either had a rifle or bullets, but didn't have the other. Not a single step back, or the commissar shot you for cowardice, desertion, or a multitude of reasons.
Exactly my point simply being we never really won a war by ourselves except the first Persian gulf war we kicked their ass in a week. And the Mexican American war we had no help.
technically just because we lost in Canada does not mean we lost 1812 in fact we won plenty of battles including the last one when Britain attacked the U.S.
Unless its Korea or Vietnam the Cold War shouldn't count and that took up a lot of our time
· 8 years ago
And most other posts I've seen using such high numbers have the Cold War starting before it actually did, and continuing after the USSR had fallen.
If you're gonna include a war that wasn't a war, at least get the dates right.
If you're gonna include a war that wasn't a war, at least get the dates right.