Scent is the sense most related to memory. I get that feeling all the time, like randomly remembering a friend from third grade or an old vacation spot. One time though, I had this job for a few months and every once in a while I would get a whiff of something that I never found the cause of. It wasn't a particularly strong smell, and it wasn't good or bad, like the smell of oranges, but it always gave me this strange feeling like I was forgetting something. It actually caused me to stop in my tracks the first time I smelled it and after a couple of months and having had this sensation a handful of times, I now believe that it's related to some memory from when I was very young, and I think probably younger than any actual memories I have. I'm guessing I was maybe an infant because I have a couple of memories from when I was very young, but not before 4 or 5.
I may be wrong, but either way, I love catching scents that take me back to things I had forgotten about.
I inhaled a scent whilst at a amusement park of concession stand origination, and It hit me that it was a funnel cake. Admittedly, they aren't very healthy, but it instantly made my mouth water and my stomach growled in desire as my mind raced back to a time when I had last eaten one, when I was a tyke. Ah, how I desired to have one.
My dad used to have a leather jacket, work on machines so would have oil on his hands and smoke roll ups, he hasn't had the jacket in years, now works with computers and quit smoking ages ago but when I served someone at the shop I worked at they smelt exactly like my dad did years ago, he's a good dad so associated with pleasant memories.
· 8 years ago
This exactly. One time I was sick from work for a week, and when I came back it was like experiencing all the sights, sounds, and smells for the first time. Like being there for two and a half years kinda numbed me to it, so i never notice the distinct smell until I'm away for a while.
· 8 years ago
And that's why i dont use deo or perfumes which I've used before, like nah man i dont need nostalgia and cringe throughout the day
I may be wrong, but either way, I love catching scents that take me back to things I had forgotten about.