For a species as numerous as us, whose population has only really been matched by locusts or Lystrosaurus, we're not as genetically diverse as you would think. Thanks to the last glaciation, nearly all of humanity was confined to Africa or remote parts of Europe and Asia.
· 8 years ago
and we have a generally low mutation rate. which in itself isn't necessarily a good thing at times.
· 8 years ago
I wanna mutate into th-
*remembers what happened in X-Men*
Fuck that
Okay, so if not Adam and Eve (i.e. if abiogenesis and evolution happened instead), how could the first life form(s) provide enough genetic diversity to survive? How could each new evolved species survive, if only a few ever evolved/lived at the same time? Same problem, which that article does not answer.
The first forms of life were bacteria like. If you know anything about bacteria you know they don't need genetic variety to reproduce as they simply divide. Genetic mutations led to new species (or there light even have been several sources of different life). I do not see a problem with the genetic diversity in that.
Example of a species undergoing a change- gene mutation in some small lizard makes it green. It being green makes it easier to survive in its environment because it can camouflage better. As a result, it is more likely to survive and breed. The gene gets passed on, and soon every lizard is green because green ones survive better.
And there's a lot of definitions of species, but I think the most correct one is animals that can breed with eachother. Over a long time period of changing, animals might no longer be able to breed with eachother because they were once 1 species but groups evolved in separate environments. This is just my understanding of it, I'm not an expert but I think all this is correct.
I wish we'd have all died
or is it just me
*remembers what happened in X-Men*
Fuck that