My favorite is the dictionary one.
There was a girl at my high school who got drunk at a party and started yammering about how she liked to masturbate with her dads screw drivers. She was forever known as "Screwie"
I would assume the handle. Various different sizes and grip-types might play a role in their pleasurability.
· 8 years ago
I once had this Sandman toy when I was a kid that had a soft, collapsible chest piece that was like two soft rectangles pressed together. It was supposed to simulate moments in the comics when Spider-Man would punch him, and the fist would just go through him and get stuck. I tried using it to simulate a vagina, and oh boy it did not work.
That's the one you don't want to blow it's load.
There was a girl at my high school who got drunk at a party and started yammering about how she liked to masturbate with her dads screw drivers. She was forever known as "Screwie"