It's called a botch. They screwed up the order of the match, and neither knows which one was responsible. Happens more often than you think. Just not always as obviously as this one.
· 8 years ago
Oh, that's cool. Thank you for sharing some facts, I appreciate it.
· 8 years ago
Wrestling may be fake, but it's still fun to watch. I will always love Randy Savage and the Ultimate Warrior
there's no pint in telling people wrestling is fake, i highly doubt fans truly believe an undead wizard and his demon brother professionally wrestle on the side
I personally prefer the term scripted, rather than fake. Because what those guys (and gals) do in there is extremely challenging and they are amazing athletes, even the ones who don't necessarily look like it. A lot of the moves hurt like hell, and are super dangerous. To call it fake demeans the work they do.