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· 8 years ago
She said "I'm done with you." For those who can't read cut text
· 8 years ago
Didn't she die? I think she was killed after this video like not right after but like by the next day she was dead.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
She didn't die, but she was questioned by CNN on whether her story was true which lead people to believe she was lying. She also did receive death threats by islamists and other people for sharing this story.
· 8 years ago
O ok i couldn't remember. But i could of sworn i heard she died
· 8 years ago
I don't know about this case, but this was an interesting/sad article I read the other day:
· 8 years ago
That was a really interesting read, I didn't know child marriage was so prevalent here.
· 8 years ago
In a sadly related story, a 13 year old girl died only a few days ago after being married off by her brother. The cause of death was internal bleeding.
· 8 years ago
You go girl! Be safe though
· 7 years ago
There are tolerant Christians and asshole ones. There are tolerant Muslims and asshole ones as well. The big difference is this: The good Christians are the ones that try to follow their book, and the ones that are in it just because "they always were that denomination" are the ones that don't bother learning what the book says. The good Muslims on the other hand are the ones that ignore their book, because it has some pretty bad stuff...the ones who actually follow the book are the ones on the Jihad, perform "honor killings," subjugate women and throw homosexuals off roofs.
· 7 years ago
You have to see the video but of her full speech, it is eye opening , it broke my heart
· 8 years ago
just more peaceful tolerant Islamic followers practicing their beliefs. a woman isn't worth as much as a man and should do what shes told . don't be intolerant and try to repress their beliefs by saying different.
· 8 years ago
thank you.
· 8 years ago
some muslims believe the world should be like this, and other muslims don't. Christianity is incredibly sexist too, and some christians believe that women are lesser as well, but not all do, but you don't see the radical side of christianity being pointed out as much as the radical muslims are. Not all muslims think like this, not all muslims are terrorists, not all muslims are sexist.
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· 8 years ago
That's because there's waaaay more radical muslims than there are Christian radicals. The numbers don't even comapare. And Christian sexists are sexists because they're assholes. Muslims sexists are sexists because Muhammud told them to be.
· 8 years ago
They use Muhammud as an excuse to be assholes. Don't let it fool you, Christian and Muslim assholes are he same.
· 8 years ago
Its not just that he is talking old testament too. Christianity doesn't teach that any more that's why its called the new testament. As for the Koran its a book written by a child molester that teaches hate and violence maybe not all follow it but way to many do. Its ridicules, I believe in freedom of religion but maybe we draw the line at a cult that teaches its OK to beat you're wife and kill people. Maybe no religion that have a guy that's screwing a nine year old teaching how to be a good person. Plenty of truly peaceful religions to choose from out there I think we can dump this one And make a better world.
· 8 years ago
Personally I've never met a Muslim but I have read the Quran (in college) and it does actually state that a woman is lesser than a man. In the New Testament in the Bible it claims that beating and/or mistreating a woman is sinful...who's the tolerant one?
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
Come here to Jakarta and let the mass media beat you everyday