"Millenials freak out over opposing opinions" yea I remember that one time when I visited my grandma and we went to see some of her friends (who are about the same age as her, aka around 60 years old), and they started talking about gay people and how they should not be able to adopt children because of some "mother/father figure" stuff. I decided to chime in and said that the kids of single mothers don't have a father figure either yet it's been a thing for a long time and nobody complained, and also that being raised by a loving family of two dads or two moms is a lot better than being raised by a heterosexual family where one parent is an abusive alcoholic and the other is a junkie.
You wouldn't believe the shitstorm I had to endure. And of course I don't want to generalize, I am by no means saying that all old people are like that but holy shit I have never ever met a millenial who would provide such a strong reaction to an opposing opinion as I have with these 5 or so old people.
As a pharmacy tech, I can attest that this is 100% accurate
· 8 years ago
my short time working at a 7-11 between jobs, it was the younger ones that gave me issues. if they were not stealing something, they were trying to convince me to give them something for free. they'd get angry when i wouldn't comply with their attempts. they'd try to short change me with the "it's all i have" bs and they'd get angry when we didn't have something in stock. the older ones seemed to understand more. i don't know if it was because how i acted. i always act more mature. i don't understand the "hip" things kids do. so i am not among friends with the youngins. now that being said. i have had good young ones, and jerk old ones. i am just saying the bar was tilted as the kids being the jerks. eh, maybe it's where i live (upper-low to middle class) or the fact it was a 7-11.
i'm sorry my personal experiences don't fit your narrow point of view. least i went out and said there could be variables that caused me to have different experiences that others. but what i dealt with is what i dealt with. there is no changing that, no mater how much it bothers you.
Yeah dude, guest is just being an ass. Well my personal experience is quite different but that's why it's called personal experience, nobody treats it like empirical evidence or the ultimate truth anyway. Actually good on you for speaking up even though it goes against the opinions of most people who comment here.
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
i will always say what i feel needs to be said. i don't plan to make friends. if things i say can help others, i say it. i am for facts, not fame. i may be wrong at times, but i try my damnedest to be right. if i get enough evidence that proves me wrong, i will gladly change my stance. when i see things with my own eyes it is hard for people to convince me it didn't happen. here i wanted people to see that the narrow narrative this picture describes is not always the case. to paint with such a broad brush is a mental fallacy. the truth is this is my experience. my wife has her experiences and it are typically people from late 20's to early 30's (to early 40's). she works at a toy store that sells electronics. she gets many people trying to scam and down right push out cart loads of merchandise. they will always talk crap to her and management because they are trying to not get caught. so many people using fake credit cards it is mind numbing. everyone has their experiences.
I 100% agree with your stance on that, I always say what I think as well and I find this whole "don't tell facts because it might hurt feelings" approach stupid.
Well anyway I suppose it's because stores and restaurants are quite different. It's true that teenagers/young people tend to have more rebellious tendencies which leads to them sometimes stealing stuff. I never understood it but I guess some people do it because they like the thrill, and those are the same people who probably won't treat others very respectfully. I don't know, the whole rebellious teen phase missed me by a mile, I was only more depressed in my teens because hormones.
But when it comes to restaurants, you can't just smuggle stuff out of there, which is why they're just not the usual targets of these deliquents. But yeah I think that older people tend to complain more and like to be catered to more, and usually don't understand that they're not the only customers. But again, this is only personal experience.
Gonna go ahead and guess this is yet another in a long line of users masquerading as guests just to be assholes.
If all one has to say is "stfu", maybe it is YOU who should put a sock in it.
P.S. Guests shouldn't be able to comment. Someone make a petition.
Eh, I got no problem with guests commenting, some people are just assholes. If anything I'd do it so that guest comments need fewer reports to be deleted.
· 8 years ago
i don't mind guests. many of them have really good things to say. i just wish that they'd have the confidence to not be anonymous. though the ones that troll are rather sad. if your thrill is to force anger from others, you need to reassess you social life. i agree with ewqua here. maybe the report function should change to delete guest comments easier. or maybe a hide function for guest comments. matthewg, i can agree with you here too, if your argument is "stfu" then you already lost the argument, lol. at least make it interesting and call me out and say my personal experience isn't typical or something. then again that would force them into a conversation that they wouldn't want to invest in. maybe it IS just users trolling, i wouldn't doubt that at all. it's sad if true.
Well of course the millennial can be chill about the delay...he/she expects the boomer to pay. Plus the boomer has to get back to his/her job, but the millennial's video game will still be paused in the same spot, waiting at home (well, parents' home to be accurate).
I don't know about you but everyone in my age group that I know is trying to balance a job, maybe two, and being a full time student. We can't afford to not have jobs
You wouldn't believe the shitstorm I had to endure. And of course I don't want to generalize, I am by no means saying that all old people are like that but holy shit I have never ever met a millenial who would provide such a strong reaction to an opposing opinion as I have with these 5 or so old people.
Well anyway I suppose it's because stores and restaurants are quite different. It's true that teenagers/young people tend to have more rebellious tendencies which leads to them sometimes stealing stuff. I never understood it but I guess some people do it because they like the thrill, and those are the same people who probably won't treat others very respectfully. I don't know, the whole rebellious teen phase missed me by a mile, I was only more depressed in my teens because hormones.
But when it comes to restaurants, you can't just smuggle stuff out of there, which is why they're just not the usual targets of these deliquents. But yeah I think that older people tend to complain more and like to be catered to more, and usually don't understand that they're not the only customers. But again, this is only personal experience.
Gonna go ahead and guess this is yet another in a long line of users masquerading as guests just to be assholes.
If all one has to say is "stfu", maybe it is YOU who should put a sock in it.
P.S. Guests shouldn't be able to comment. Someone make a petition.