I remember a few girls (that I didn't favour) having a crush on me. They were daring enough to give clear hints. I was a shy, silent, but top-of-class student back then. So, a nerd. Go figure.
· 8 years ago
"Haha no I haven't not me" oh shut up. I can't speak for girls, but most guys have low enough standards that even obese girls or below average girls have caused at least one or two orgasms for them. Unless you're Rocky Dennis ugly or Mama June fat, guys you know have thought of you while jerkin' it.
There was a guy that when I was in high school that I thought was cute and wanted to date, but never said anything. Turns out he had a crush on me, a huge crush, but we graduated moved on. Later we met up again caught up and I learned how he really wanted to ask me out but was too nervous, he even was my secret admirer and left a note which I never figured out. Now, years later, he is a handsome man, and my soon to be husband. :)
@smitty whats the song? lol
@ rosalinas Sometimes I kinda feel like it and then reality hits lol, Plus we both had some false starts and crap to go through before we arrived here.
Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)
By Phil Collins.
It not quite a perfect fit, but get a load of this set of lines:
"Take a good look at me now
'Cause I'll still be standing here
And you coming back to me is against all odds
It's the chance I've got to take
Take a look at me now."
A Million Ways, by Dirty Vegas.
(That's right an EDM love song.)
Notably, this set of lines:
An' I can't stop this fever, liberty comes over me
And there's a million ways I've tried
To say these words to you for so long, long
A hundred million stars that shine
But you're the only one that I want, want.
But good-looking people are way easier to find than people with a decent personality tho
@ rosalinas Sometimes I kinda feel like it and then reality hits lol, Plus we both had some false starts and crap to go through before we arrived here.
I have a couple in mind, but I really want to look the lyrics up first.
You can start with this one though:
One Day Like This by Elbow
I mean, Jesus Christ... listen to those lyrics.
Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now)
By Phil Collins.
It not quite a perfect fit, but get a load of this set of lines:
"Take a good look at me now
'Cause I'll still be standing here
And you coming back to me is against all odds
It's the chance I've got to take
Take a look at me now."
A Million Ways, by Dirty Vegas.
(That's right an EDM love song.)
Notably, this set of lines:
An' I can't stop this fever, liberty comes over me
And there's a million ways I've tried
To say these words to you for so long, long
A hundred million stars that shine
But you're the only one that I want, want.