So on Tumblr there was this trans person who said they wanted all cis people to die. I asked them on Anon ( I'm not trying to get doxxed ) if they had a cis kid would they murder them or force them into being trans which is exactly why she hates cis people and she replied " this is why I hate anons " ... I still think I asked a legit question
· 8 years ago
It was, she's a bitch
Those types of people don't like facts/logic/having to actually think about what they're saying and the consequences of them doing so
Just ignore those people
· 8 years ago
Either that or it was a troll. Kind of like an anti-yogi.
So fucking glad I live in Thailand where people don't really care if you identify as male or female or whatever. Also I have never heard of a trans person here saying they hate cis people nor have i heard the term cis before going to tumblr...
^ yeah, basically the first thing they go to when they disagree with you is doxxing you, not caring who sees your private info ( an abusive ex, a stalker, a murderer ) just because they know people don't want their private into out like that. It's actually illegal unless filling out a police report so if they do it to you you need to call the cops.
I have a question: how early should trans people transition? I would think after puberty since people are more stable at that time, but I just don't know much about this.
I believe at least 18 because if you don't think they should drink, smoke, date, vote or have sex until that age, how are you going to let them start hormones that will leave them sterile after 6 months ? I especially hate when they let kids do it early because their hormones are crazy you can fuck them up, plus what if a girl says she's a boy at 10, you let her transition, but at 20 she realizes she really wants to be a girl ? You done fucked up and it would be your fault as the parent, not theirs.
If a small (pre-puberty) child shows obvious signs of gender dysphoria, I think a common solution in to take said child to a doctor for evaluation, and hopefully get them on puberty blockers. That way puberty can be delayed, preventing the child from going through a painful process that's way harder to reverse than to start at a later stage by either stopping the blockers or giving the missing hormones (testosterone for someone with a vagina and vice versa). I'm not a doctor nor a trans person though.
I remember watching a documentary as a kid about an 8 year old boy who was going to have have surgery to become a girl. I don't know what happened to him after the surgery, but looking back I think it was way too early for him to make that decision for himself.
Like me. 16 years old
Usually you're old enough to know what you are doing, and your birth-assigned sex hormones haven't totally destroyed your body yet
Kids understand gender from a very early age (around 3) and trans kids display very obvious signs that they were born in the wrong body. I'd argue that getting them on puberty blockers at 10 or 11 may even save these kids' lives, when you look at the rates of suicide, bullying, and assault among trans teens. And obviously these kids aren't getting put on drugs on a whim, it's a process with consultations with physicians and psychologists and such. So when you think of it like these kids have been seeing the wrong body in the mirror every day for 6+ years, they don't seem too young for this decision at all.
Well I disagree. If I had a son, and at three years old or something they told me they wanted to be girl, I wouldn't take them seriously. If as they got older, they still felt the same way, then we can maybe look into doing something about it.
I'm not going to give my child life changing surgery because of three year old babble.
Sorry if my comment came off that way. I'm obviously not suggesting starting hormone treatments on a 3 year old. I was trying to say that trans kids, by the time they're about to start puberty have potentially been feeling intensely "wrong" for 6-8 years. So in that way, they're not too young to make that decision, because at 10 or 11 feeling wrong is all they can remember.
I'm sorry, but most people start puberty when they're still kids and I don't think that they're old enough at that stage to make that huge decision.
I think they should wait until minimum 18
Well the only cases I've heard of where someone later regretted taking puberty-blocking hormones were exclusively children with autism, which is a whole different can of worms. And for neurotypical trans kids, not going through puberty can potentially save their lives. Ultimately, it's the parents and doctors, not the kids, who make the final decision.
Because the parents decide to recognize their child's gender dysphoria, take them to a doctor, go through with treatment. I believe the hormone treatment requires parental consent, though that may be different in different countries.
My mum thinks I want to be a boy, because I'm not very girly... She doesn't force, but she nags.
· 8 years ago
My Sister, Brother in law, and all their friends think i'm gay even though i'm not. I grew up in a household of one mother and one sister with no father so i might of picked up a few feminine traits but that doesn't make me gay. Ever since I was three or four, my sister would always introduce me as her gay brother, I guess she thought it made her look cooler idk.
silvermyth - If I had grown up today, people would assume I'm transgender. Not at all girly. I have short hair and wear jeans, t-shirts and tennis shoes when not at work. I like sports and girly girls annoy me. But I have know doubt that I am a woman. I don't think transitioning should be an option til 21 as someone earlier stated. Your brain is not finished yet.
Please don't think we are all like that... These are crazy people...
They give a really bad image of us
· 8 years ago
That's a screenshot from *choke* *cough* Breitbart so it's not to too likely to be super accurate information. Only other source on this I found this is pinknews which is probably also not the most reliable source, and there the whole story looks a wee different.
Everyone seems to be relating this to Tumblr, but isn't necessarily an SJW thing. People have been forcing their children to dress and act like the gender they wanted their child to be for a long time.
They've been doing it since before tumblr. The tumblr version would be wanting a trans kid just so you can tell people how tolerant and accepting you are, while the other is often related to living vicariously through your children or wanting a specific gender and not getting it.
The solution isn't to make children fully transition by undergoing hormone replacement therapy, just allow them the freedom to express themselves the way they want to and help them come to terms with their feelings. If they're serious about transitioning then there's nothing wrong with using hormone blockers before puberty, all it does is delay the effects of puberty, and at any time the child could get off of hormone blockers and allow puberty to take place. Once they are older they can decide if they want to undergo hormone replacement therapy and fully transition or not.
True or not: aggressive verbs like "forced" and "quickly", the fact "removal" was needed to "fix" him, and let's look at "normal." You could argue that means "normal for him" but in context that's obviously not the case. "Normal" refers to a male archetype here. The wording is clear that it isn't the forced gender identity they want as the focus. They want to focus on crackpots who aren't "normal" harming children, and paint non traditional gender roles as an illness or forced lifestyle. The idea of forced gender is avoided because usually we force children to conform to "normal" male and female dress and behavior. So if the issue was that parents shouldn't force gender on kids, it would say that and not what it does. Bad propaganda is insulting on either side of an issue. At least try to disguise it as something else.
What the fuck. I hope you're a troll. " Normal " isn't a male archetype. Normal is the norm. Meaning what is usually done. That doesn't meant normal is good or anything not normal is bad. It used to be normal for rape victims to have to marry their rapist but was that a good thing ? No. It used to be normal to be racist but was that good ? No.
The term has a defined meaning, which is neutral, but it's "normally" used to judge and segregate features, concepts and behavior as abnormal. Which isn't helpful when looking at the world as it is. It just doesn't make sense. Not normal just means not within a majority section, but within normality. Transsexuality has always been around, so it's normal. Pineapple-Kin fools are probably not.
Shrinks still call it gender identity disorder. 99% of people accepting nature would be the definition of normal. Trying to pretend that it is not normal is the problem.
· 8 years ago
Using a 99% agreement as argument is always bullshit. Trying to select persons out of "normality" is the problem.
I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding you but saying something isn't normal isn't the same as telling someone they're wrong for existing ? Normal IS the majority because that's what most people would be accustomed to so it's NORMAL. Though trans is a thing that's been around for a long time, that doesn't mean it's normal because less than 1% of the world has it so it's rare to meet an actual trans person, it's just easier to do it ( and fake it ) with the internet.
· 8 years ago
If a thing is around like forever, then of course it's a normal thing, no matter if it's rarely seen or not. That's just the problem. The word nomal has a somewhat different inherence in different contexts and situations. Using the word "normal" in this topic is just too close to the word "abnormal" to be helpful, that's all I'm saying. I'm not saying you're wrong in anything else you said. But when you use the word normal here, it could mean "as opposed to anomalous" (which would be correct and imo ok to say) or "as opposed to abnormal" (which would be not).
It is abnormal. That doesn't mean it's bad, though. Just because it's been around a long time still doesn't mean it's normal.
For example, roses and candy are the primary gifts for Valentine's day. It's been that way for a long time. But let's say you give someone something like new furniture or something that isn't typically given. It's abnormal, people have probably done it before, but that doesn't mean it's normal. Abnormal just means anything not normal, it isn't a specific type of not normal. Just because it's something that's rare but happens doesn't mean it suddenly becomes normal.
· 8 years ago
Oh come on, abnormal is not neutral, it's clearly derogative. If you don't see the difference or don't care about it, I'm just out.
And again I'm really unsure what the negative votes are for. Do people really click that button when they don't agree with another persons opinion? I mean, I don't really take it to my heart, just being curious...
Either that, or they do it for the sake of it. There are people on here who downvote for no reason
· 8 years ago
So it basically doesn't mean anything.... why have it then anyway? Why not just an agreement button? People in favor of free speech downvote people for expressing an opinion they don't agree with? M'kay...
They shut down talk about certain topics because some snowflakes can't handle it.
There's no good reason for a place of education and self-discovery to coddle people trying to get ready for the real world, especially not at the cost of affecting anyone else's experience.
@make_it_irish. Sorry for the 99% argument, I was lazy. I did not feel like typing 99.7%. As of 2011 a survey by the Williams institute found .3% of the population identified as transgender. *edit* Also are albino white tailed deer normal? Are pedophiles normal? Are musical prodigies normal? Are children born blind normal? All have existed for centuries, by your definition they're now normal.
Those types of people don't like facts/logic/having to actually think about what they're saying and the consequences of them doing so
Just ignore those people
What the hell is cis, doxxed and anti-yogi?
Am i going mad?
I haven't heard from him for awhile
Usually you're old enough to know what you are doing, and your birth-assigned sex hormones haven't totally destroyed your body yet
I'm not going to give my child life changing surgery because of three year old babble.
I think they should wait until minimum 18
They give a really bad image of us
For example, roses and candy are the primary gifts for Valentine's day. It's been that way for a long time. But let's say you give someone something like new furniture or something that isn't typically given. It's abnormal, people have probably done it before, but that doesn't mean it's normal. Abnormal just means anything not normal, it isn't a specific type of not normal. Just because it's something that's rare but happens doesn't mean it suddenly becomes normal.
And again I'm really unsure what the negative votes are for. Do people really click that button when they don't agree with another persons opinion? I mean, I don't really take it to my heart, just being curious...
There's no good reason for a place of education and self-discovery to coddle people trying to get ready for the real world, especially not at the cost of affecting anyone else's experience.