For anyone wants to know who the corner guy is, his name his Shadman as he draws NSFW art of goths, video, and other drawing of popular girls, he also does loli and his best work is Fallout 4. Awesome guy, and hey who doesn't enjoy your favorite video game character, cartoon, and other as a porn drawing.
The ones on the top left and bottom right have pupils. That's really scary. I mean I'd prob drop a good size load in my drawers if anything with just a skull for a face busted in my front door. But I'd probably shoot out my intestine too, if they had pupils too.
I want a guy with a skull-face to be a hero but everytime he tries to stop a robbery or a fight people try to arrest him or fight him bc they think he's a villain
· 8 years ago
I was gonna comment ghost rider but I want this new hero to be called skull skull
I already have plans for your character