Probably,it thinks it's cleaning you,since it doesn't see you cleaning yourself,like cats normally do. Frankly I'm not even a cat expert,i have no idea how i know these things.
· 8 years ago
When he sees me in the bath he probably thinks I'm drowning for something lol
Human: responsibilities, has to work and pay bills, can get fat and be ugly
Cat: has zero responsibility, does no shit but I petted and laying around, can get fat and still adorable
Let admit it, we all wanna be cat
Sure we all want to. But we won't go as far as to say we are transpecies. Because, you know, it's crazy.
Can people stop with the "born this way" being taken way to far trend. I was born as a queen in a common girls body. Am I getting a castle?
You know when stupid people would try to stop gay marriage because they would argue "well what if people want to marry a dog next" I hate the fact that some people prove them right
Edited 8 years ago
· 8 years ago
She wasn't justifying that crazy cat lady, she was telling a joke
A 20 year old cat? Well, she won't live a lot longer then anyway.
· 8 years ago
Ok, a few questions... Are they fuc#ing nuts? Apparently. I mean, really, really imbecile, retarded and annoying? Absolutely. Most important question though: why does anyone give a rats ass about them? This one I don't know...
Well the scary thing about these people is that they vote. That's right these idiots get to decide on leaders and laws for the rest of us. They also drag down society by refusing to contribute to the advancement of our species. They don't want to BE our species. And it makes me very very sad that my kid will be going to collage soon and will likely run across these people. God, help me if she comes home and tells me she's having kittens. One flight of stairs won't be enough.
Im so glad we are talking about this because my fiancés brother is dating a dumb ho like this. I can't exactly talk to anyone about it, and she drives me freaking nuts and I HAVE to converse with her sometimes.
*sigh* I just feel so homicidal around her.
She also thinks shes a child. (When it suits her of course)
Just tell her
If she thinks she's a child, is she also making your brother become a pedo
And why does your brother date someone with kin!
Seriously, kin stuffs are so fucking dumb
Then we have to deal with her tantrums and social manipulation and the brother being passive aggressive. (Wouldn't be to bad but I have to see him daily so....)
And idk, he met her in high school or something and he has issues being alone, plus she also likes girls so he gets to bang a lot of females.
Kin stuff is super dumb, and the borderline pedo thing is something the family has talked about, we just don't know what to do. Hes not even a dumb guy, he just makes the WORST life and relationship choices
High school relationships that don't break are either fairy tales or living nightmares
I would say just leave him screwup his life to learn the lesson through the hard way
And you try your best to survive
(Or get her cheating on him so they break up)
Thats pretty much how I've handled them rosalinas, they also live in a FILTHY house
Like omg filthy
I just stopped avoid them like the plauge. I won't enter their house, conversations are as short as possible with her, different tone, more sarcastic ect. This is his bs to deal with not mine. But she will chase you down and follow you. She also hits on my fiancé.... this is what i mean though, she makes my blood boil lol
Heywood.... thats funny you think his type is normal. Not even freakin close.
The one that was normal he had to leave cause cat ho child got jealous.
@rosalinas yeah, see what I mean? Its so hard not to punch her all the time. Its not even a one time thing, she hits on him constantly
@heywood glad we learned something lol
Cat: has zero responsibility, does no shit but I petted and laying around, can get fat and still adorable
Let admit it, we all wanna be cat
Can people stop with the "born this way" being taken way to far trend. I was born as a queen in a common girls body. Am I getting a castle?
You know when stupid people would try to stop gay marriage because they would argue "well what if people want to marry a dog next" I hate the fact that some people prove them right
*sigh* I just feel so homicidal around her.
She also thinks shes a child. (When it suits her of course)
If she thinks she's a child, is she also making your brother become a pedo
And why does your brother date someone with kin!
Seriously, kin stuffs are so fucking dumb
And idk, he met her in high school or something and he has issues being alone, plus she also likes girls so he gets to bang a lot of females.
Kin stuff is super dumb, and the borderline pedo thing is something the family has talked about, we just don't know what to do. Hes not even a dumb guy, he just makes the WORST life and relationship choices
I would say just leave him screwup his life to learn the lesson through the hard way
And you try your best to survive
(Or get her cheating on him so they break up)
Like omg filthy
I just stopped avoid them like the plauge. I won't enter their house, conversations are as short as possible with her, different tone, more sarcastic ect. This is his bs to deal with not mine. But she will chase you down and follow you. She also hits on my fiancé.... this is what i mean though, she makes my blood boil lol
Heywood.... thats funny you think his type is normal. Not even freakin close.
The one that was normal he had to leave cause cat ho child got jealous.
I would have broken her face off if I were you
@heywood glad we learned something lol