No not the captions, the images themselves. Because I don't remember this scene from any of the movies. Or that scene where Bucky looks like he messed up on his eye-blackener, I don't remember that one either at all.
So I have a question, since the cap and bucky aren't canon gay, but ppl make them gay and lash out at anyone that objects to this, will the same people lash out if canon gay characters are made straight? I know that's not what this is about but I'm curious...
My theory is that the reason you see so much fanfic with gay (and specifically M/M) romances is that most of our shows, movies, books etc. center around male friendships and then feel the need to insert a romance plot and introduce a one dimensional female character to be the love interest. The result is that we feel like the love interest is intruding on what feels more like a real relationship.
But why does it have to be romantic? Why can't they just be friends? I love my friends too, I'd sell my soul to save them but I wouldn't gay with them.
I think people feel the need to include a romance plot because in American culture we really idolize romantic love and elevate it above all other sorts of love - like familial love or the love between friends. So the same thing that caused the writers to insert a love interest causes fans to take a platonic relationship that inspires them with its depth and sincerity and turn it into an OTP.
· 7 years ago
It weirds me out too when every male frienship is labeled as gay. Tumblarize everything.