How about you discipline your kid by making him do work or something tedious rather than "beating my kid's ass to kingdom come". Also, the kid still uses a pacifier. Too young for ass beating.
^grimreaper is right. I've gotten both by my parents though, and would never condone hitting your child in rage. I think spanking did me good, but not actually hitting me, that actually affected me negatively but I can tell the difference
Wow.Just wow.Down votes.You guys are pieces of shit.Someone has suffered bad parenting but you people don't care
· 8 years ago
And the down votes continue,wooow.Good thing I'm gonna go into psychology cause I have a feeling a loooot of people are gonna need it if they're raised by you people
No one would willingly advocate beating the shit out of their kids. I've been on the recieving end of such punishment, and would not support it, but I still approve of disciplinary action. The image of the post does not mean Ellen Degeneres took a belt to her child, someone jokingly alluded to a possible outcome of the transgressor being hit. It's a joke.