Save Mother Nature from the People
7 years ago by captainobvious · 1256 Likes · 10 comments · Popular
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· 7 years ago
Umm, you know it doesn't really work that way right? Lets say pollution gets so bad the planet becomes inhospitable. That really just means we humans and most plant and animals can't live on it any more, but other things will live just fine. Then given time life will change and spread and poof there it is all over the globe. It's just a different form than what is here now. If you go this route Mother Nature could care less about the little blip that we humans cause. Because what's a couple hundred thousand or a million years to her? She'd just roll over and sleep on the other side of her bed.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Wall•E is right!
· 7 years ago
Hoomans ARE also part of nature. Should we stop all our industry? Should we walk everywhere to stop exhaustion pipe gases? Should we stop paper production? Or not have 1.5 billion cows that fart and make our planet glass house? If we stop any of that We'll just step back few centuries, and that kind of society can't support 7 billion Hoomans. So, humans should thin their numbers so some stupid fishes can survive? We are also this nature's children.
· 7 years ago
Earth will be just fine. She has suffered a lot of things and humans are just a blip in her timeline. If pollution gets really bad it'll just kill us and she'll go back to normal in a few thousand/million years
· 7 years ago
Wrong. Again. Why are you calling humans just a blip? You mix dinosaurs and humans... that's not the same thing. The same thing would be Tyrranosaurus Rex (not the same as Tyrranosaurus). TRex is a specie. Of Tyrranosaurus (genus) and the whole genus spans 2 mil.years. Our Homo (genus, no homo) spans 3 mil.years! Or smilodons or whatever you can think of. Dinosaurs is a clade. Like primates or whatever is above that. And that's, like, many tens of millions of years, even hundreds. And we just begun. I most certainly bekieve we will last at least 100, or 200 millions more, if not we, than our clade brothers (twice more than dinos). In the end, we will definitely be this planet's longest lasting as well as we are greatest creation!
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Sorry, but I had a really hard time reading that so if you don't mind could you rewrite that more kinda simplified?
· 7 years ago
Of course.Id be glad to.T-Rex = a species in Tyrranosaurus genus. Genus lasted two million years. Human's (Homos sapiens) genus, Homo, started 3 million years ago. Dinosaurs is neither species, nor genus, it's a clade. Our clade is primates. It's almost 100 million years old. Dinosaurs lasted from 200 mil to 60 mil years ago (140 mil.) If we count our clade, We'll be here muuuuch longer than Dinosaur clade. And if they weren't wiped out, their offsprings would look like humans probably, just as we, and primates and mammals evolved from their "brother" clade of saur-o-pods.
· 7 years ago
Don't use solar and wind. In Germany the pushed heavily to increase the amount of renewable energy they produce and consume. This reliance lead to a unreliable amount of energy produced, whether it was to little and they had to conserve, or, too much and they sold energy at a negative rate (giving people money for electricity). This inevitably lead to the actual increase in burning coal for energy. In short, Germany tried 'clean' energy it ended up worse for the environment. Not to mention that making solar panels and wind turbines is not sustainable and damaging for the environment.
· 7 years ago
Hahaha, Guest, you're the man. I've been trying to explain this to too many people... .they just don't get it. They're either too young or too communist. Probably both. They just lose it when you tell them government is paying YOU.... Free is never good. But what do they know. They think paying taxes is hoax. They don't get They're basically buying the roads, and school material, and everything. They just want everything free. But functional. That's not gonna happen.
· 7 years ago
no cry, ecofags...