Fuck this guy. I'm not pissed about my small dick: this guy looks like the type of person that realized begging in a heavily populated area with a clever sign will actually pay more than a minimum wage job.
Meh. Don't hear any complaints. I'm usually uncomfortable, so sex lasts quite a while; so I have that going for me. I might not be built right for it though, my last three partners in the last year were all orgasm free on both ends. I just hate seeing people who are young and clean begging for change when they could wash dishes or pump gas.
· 7 years ago
You do have a point there.
· 7 years ago
I also lived in Portland, OR for the last half decade: so I had to harden my heart against beggars. I have only had my faith restored once by a guy who begged bus money off of me, and came to return it when he got a transfer off of another rider.
· 7 years ago
Huh. Do you continue to walk past them after that experience?
· 7 years ago
You have to judge validity (which is a shitty thing to consider). Thankfully I got asked more for cigarettes than cash, but I'm an addict so I will always have smokes so I handed out a quarter pack a day usually. I'm about 35% likely to give someone actual cash. If they are outside the Safeway I will usually buy them a pack of energy bars so they can eat.
· 7 years ago
That's really nice!
· 7 years ago
It only worked out that way a handful of times. I confused one guy when I asked him if he preferred apple or strawberry (Without context). I am also kind of a cold person, so it's me handing stuff to people and when they say "thank you" I just wander off with a "whatever" kind of reaction.
I live in a very small town and there used to be just a handful of beggars, guys that were polite and I frequently gave them money or bought food and water for them and their pets. The town had no problem with these guys because they weren't obnoxious and cleaned up after themselves. A couple years ago it became a fashion to look like a dirty hippie(not that I think all hippies are dirty) and beg for money. These kids look like they just finished highschool. I saw one had a sign that said "I need like 7 bucks" and he drew a picture of a pot leaf and the lsd molecule on it. They leave trash wherever they go. They drove off the regular beggars...I can't stand them and I have a hard time telling who actually deserves a few bucks or food so I just stopped giving :(
Just, uh, does he get the job done?