Correct, sharedark. Same number of characters.
Thing is, people who write dat shit are those who think: "two-thousand-and-seventeen". Correct pronunciation of course is: "twenty-seventeen".
(Hint to the unenlightened: how many people wander about saying, for example: "one-thousand-nine-hundred-and-forty-five"? Answer: none. We all say "nineteen-forty-five". And "eighteen-sixty". Etc.)
Therefore, it's ALWAYS "twenty-seventeen"; and subsequently.
Uh no. That's just the faster way to say it, it's easier and more convenient. The CORRECT way is both ways, but the professional way is "two thousand and seventeen"
I had to create another account as to not disturb the 666 posts.
Thing is, people who write dat shit are those who think: "two-thousand-and-seventeen". Correct pronunciation of course is: "twenty-seventeen".
(Hint to the unenlightened: how many people wander about saying, for example: "one-thousand-nine-hundred-and-forty-five"? Answer: none. We all say "nineteen-forty-five". And "eighteen-sixty". Etc.)
Therefore, it's ALWAYS "twenty-seventeen"; and subsequently.
two thousand and seventeen == 2000 + 17
two thousand point seventeen == 2000.17