"GN" in Italian is pronounced "nee-ye" on its own.
As in "Lasagna" (the correct Italian way to spell Lasagna, however is LasagnE ((pronounced like an A)).
The meat is named after the Italian Mortadella, which is a meat of similar recipe, and consistency, and has its origins in the city of Bologna.
There's still some confusion as to why balogna is pronounced "Baloney".
"GN" in Italian is pronounced "nee-ye" on its own.
As in "Lasagna" (the correct Italian way to spell Lasagna, however is LasagnE ((pronounced like an A)).
The meat is named after the Italian Mortadella, which is a meat of similar recipe, and consistency, and has its origins in the city of Bologna.
There's still some confusion as to why balogna is pronounced "Baloney".