I'm more confused as to why his chest hair acts like shadow for his pecs. It's kinda jarring
· 7 years ago
My Dad has a moustache, he's always had one. One time he came to pick me up from school, he'd shaved it off and I didn't recognise him. I thought I was being kidnapped xD
In each photo in addition to lighting he has different posture, position, and expression. In the beard photo he appears to be dramatically darker in complexion (most find a tan to be attractive and a sign of health). Also notice how his gaze is directed differently? In the non beard pictures he is looking directly at the camera (and the viewer) which increases the intensity and creepiness in the photo. Lastly his hair is styled differently in each of the three photos which can have a pronounced effect on our perception of a person. As a fun fact many studies suggests clean shaven men are the highest earners, with over 90% of CEO and executive level workers being clean shaven. A rare few exist but most grew facial hair late in life or are company founders. I'm all for a clean stubble beard (although surveys suggest "most women" prefer a clean shave as well, and I've met some who won't even consider dating a man with facial hair.) In the end it's your face and your life.
Light stubble beards makes a man hotter
Light stubble mustaches make a man creepier