This isn't real. I've seen this same post verbatim all over the place. Yes, they have tested the fluid with mice, but the idea that it has been used as a method of torture is nothing more than a creepypasta. A quick google search told me that while there is some truth to this, it is largely false. Don't believe all you see on the internet. ;)
It did, however, appear in the mentioned Dan Brown book though. Not saying that makes it any more valid, but you could read the book and see how it's described.
There was a tv show in the 1970s called UFO, where this was a thing. It allowed interstellar travel because...oh, something like breathing air didn't allow one to survive the incredible acceleration needed to reach the speed necessary for such distant travel. Even the transition from breathing the liquid back to air was traumatic. What did those guys know back in ~1975?
Don't get distracted by my dirty mind