I think that Batman would win, for three reasons- He's Batman, He's a more experienced fighter, and one I almost forgot to mention; HE IS BATMAN
· 7 years ago
He has engineers, true, so does Iron Man.
Plus, don't forget that Batman has masterized computer, micro-technologies and applicated sciences amongst others
Ironman doesn't have engineers wat, even in IronMan 3 it states he spends sleepless nights building his suits. Sure, they're not all hand crafted, but he makes them using his own machinery.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Bruh, he uses Stark Company to create his stuff, he has robots to help him build his stuff, scientist and shit. He even have partnership with Kwanza and the shield
Lol what, he uses the company's materials because that's his own stuff. He has robots to build him stuff, obviously, you think he can melt and bend metal using only his hands? At least he came up with all his tech, Batman just paid Lucius Fox to make everything. Even Tony Stark's own workers had no idea how to replicate the Arc Reactor, it was shown in Iron Man 1.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Bruh, right, tony creates his own stuff but so does Batman, he's the one who brings the blue prints in the first place, he's the one who fixes his own stuff, Lucius is here only to upgrade and because Bruce can't use Wayne Tech like he wants. The only thing that changes is that tony has a more advenced knowledge on nuclear stuff
Bruh that's the point, Batman is a detective, but Tony Stark is an engineer. He has better tech, unless Batman is prepared, somewhat, he's screwed. I'd like to bet the guy who created his own element to power his suit would win lol.
· 7 years ago
Bruh, their tech is equivalent. Batman has alien and organic stuff he uses as weapon and armors, and those things are far more powerful than the basic nuclear stuff
I'm basing this off the movies, if it comes to comic book iron man, then this is just out of hand since Iron Man has created armours able to take on the likes of Galactus, even armours made out of the same material as Thor's hammer.
In a first contact fight, Ironman wins hands down. Batman often looses fights with no prep, because, even though he is one of the most skilled fighters in the DCU, he is no match for most of the heroes in either DC or Marvel. However, with time to study and prep, Batman beats pretty much anyone in DC and most in Marvel. Even if the opponent has time and resources to study Batman in return, he still wins because that's his true power. He is not the strongest or most skilled, he can't move at light speed or break planets, he is a tactician. He is regarded as one of the most dangerous tactical minds in the entire DCU by his peers and rivals.
captreno, Batman IS the most skilled and he is ALWAYS prepared for fights, that is why he so dangerous and highly regarded. If Batman had powers, adding his skills would just make it cheating. If somehow he wasn't ready for a fight with Iron Man, he would find a way to at least even the fight or escape for preparation later on. Also don't under estimate his strength. He is probably one of the strongest mortals in the DCU or Marvel without enhancements and I'm sure he could go against someone enhanced like Steve Rodgers pretty well in hand to hand.
Batman would win. I mean I will always love both and I love Iron man more, but when it really comes down to it. It is hard to beat someone who studies other Superheroes for weakness and than saves a file on HOW TO TAKE THEM DOWN. He would mostlikely have a file on him saying what he has to do to take down/kill Iron man incase he goes evil.
If we are talking Present Day Batman Vs. Present Day Iron Man..Iron Man wins hands down..Batman doesn't like to kill, Tony has no problem with it. Both have martial arts training (Batmans is far superior) but that isnt going to matter in a fight between a man with expensive toys against a man with even more expensive toys who can and will kill you
Plus, don't forget that Batman has masterized computer, micro-technologies and applicated sciences amongst others