When I was younger people told me when you are angry what you really feel comes out. I say that is bull shit when you are angry you will say or do things you know will hurt the other person. It doesn't mean you mean them or truly believe what you said or did. It just means you knew what would hurt someone who trusted you and you used it against them. Now this does not make you a bad person so long as you feel remorse and ask for forgiveness. Also that if they forgive you you try your hardest to make things right again. Because just because you are forgiven doesn't mean things are back to normal.
I'm a bit confused on the message of this comic. Is Richard supposed to give his wealth to Paula? Is Paula's problems supposed to make Richard feel guilty? What is it getting at?
· 7 years ago
No, the point is we all come from different backgrounds, and it doesn't matter if you had everything handed to you or had to work hard for it, you be proud of your work and stay humble
This is really good. But I still see a lot of whining for free college to major in something society doesn't need. I'd be interested in more help,for engineering and business, but colleges will have to admit many fewer students when it's "free."
You might want to work on that