That was like a bullet tearing all the old wounds open
Hmmm imma ramble a bit here, hope you guys dont mind. But if you do, fuck you :p
The familiar bittersweet feeling
Like beautiful memories, happy yet sad cause its no more
Someone you love being happy but it isn't you that makes them happy
So you bloom a sad smile and let it all go
But sometimes the last pays you a visit at late hours, when you're all alone and wakes up all the pains that are thought to be long gone and once again, you cry your heart out for what it was and for what it can never be, for the things you have said or could have said
In the morning, your tears are all dry out and you go on with your life
"That was like a bullet tearing all the old wounds open..."
Damn it Rosie...
Every success, every failure,
Every bad job, every time you've been fired,
Every good job and promotion,
Every crush, lover and ex,
Even the simplest of profound moments, some of which you might not even remember...
All of these things have moulded you into who you have become today.
Lovers should never be jealous of your past, attempt to edit your present, nor guide your future, unless it is one you both desire.
You are the sum of your experiences...
...and the total is greater than the sum of the parts.
"In the morning, your tears are all dry out and you go on with your life..."
What else is there to do, other than pick up the pieces and carry on?
It's actually okay
Pain is one of my main ways to know I'm alive and if ish live that hurts me, I'll take it happily
I have been through a decent amount of things, won't say a lot but a few, they hurt, yes
But if I can go back, I wouldn't change it
Honestly speaking, I want to change many things in the past but I won't
Cause who I am without my mistakes and my scars
I once too my ex, friend now, that I like having scars. He called me a freak
But to me, the scars means I have survived
I'm just that type of person, I don't like telling people I'm dying or whatsoever
I don't like nor accept being seen as vulnerable/weak cause that's not me
Doesn't matter how much you cry at night, when you wake up and face people, you have to look and be your very best
The world is run by people who is daring and have guts
Not one who go around begging for pitty
Why do things that happened years ago still hurt us?
· 7 years ago
Because unfortunately we leave a piece of our heart and soul to the person we love, and sadly, when things don't work, we can't get thoses pieces back, so we miss them and it hurts.
But eventually, we can fill the holes it left in us
Fuck. I really didn't need this right now. I just woke up from a dream where I was in love and happy and it HURTS cause I've never felt that in real life. I've had crushes, but I've never loved. Fuck.
right in my non existent feels.
this would really hurt if I'd been in an actually good relationship that wasn't just me trying to console someone, or a crazy desperate chick who wanted to rush in way too fast. lol, why have i just been spouting all my issues on fs lately? lemme know if its like annoying or making me seem like an attention whore
That one hit me pretty damn hard, since I'm currently in a similar situation.
I've had a very strong crush on my close friend and work-colleague for 6-8 months now. And this past thursday, I told her how I felt about her, just to clear my chest and try to move on since she is already in a relationship with another person.
Now the sad part is that she actually have feelings for me as well. She told all these things that if the timing had been different she would definetly have chosen me over the other guy. That she has had dreams about me and her where her current boyfriend isn't around. And that when the day comes when I have a girlfriend it would pain her.
Now I feel really confused and depressed. She seems to have feelings for me, has dreamt about me, and would even choose me over her boyfriend had things just been different. This isn't helping me move on, just the opposite. My heart is screaming "She is the one", I have never felt this strongly about any other girl....
Honestly the most emotionally painful things ever. I've known this girl for two years and I never believed in love at first sight until I got a girlfriend and realized I didn't love my gf but the other girl instead. I broke up with my girlfriend because I felt so bad and this girl was there for me and we've gotten so close. It really hurts sometimes because she tells me about all the reckless things she does and it worries me so much that something may happen to her. She knows I care very much for her and I love her but not that I really love her romantically. And I can't even tell her how I feel because I already know she'd reject me because she's not into girls. I'm basically hoping for a miracle at this point.
That was like a bullet tearing all the old wounds open
Hmmm imma ramble a bit here, hope you guys dont mind. But if you do, fuck you :p
The familiar bittersweet feeling
Like beautiful memories, happy yet sad cause its no more
Someone you love being happy but it isn't you that makes them happy
So you bloom a sad smile and let it all go
But sometimes the last pays you a visit at late hours, when you're all alone and wakes up all the pains that are thought to be long gone and once again, you cry your heart out for what it was and for what it can never be, for the things you have said or could have said
In the morning, your tears are all dry out and you go on with your life
Damn it Rosie...
Every success, every failure,
Every bad job, every time you've been fired,
Every good job and promotion,
Every crush, lover and ex,
Even the simplest of profound moments, some of which you might not even remember...
All of these things have moulded you into who you have become today.
Lovers should never be jealous of your past, attempt to edit your present, nor guide your future, unless it is one you both desire.
You are the sum of your experiences...
...and the total is greater than the sum of the parts.
"In the morning, your tears are all dry out and you go on with your life..."
What else is there to do, other than pick up the pieces and carry on?
Pain is one of my main ways to know I'm alive and if ish live that hurts me, I'll take it happily
I have been through a decent amount of things, won't say a lot but a few, they hurt, yes
But if I can go back, I wouldn't change it
Honestly speaking, I want to change many things in the past but I won't
Cause who I am without my mistakes and my scars
I once too my ex, friend now, that I like having scars. He called me a freak
But to me, the scars means I have survived
I'm just that type of person, I don't like telling people I'm dying or whatsoever
I don't like nor accept being seen as vulnerable/weak cause that's not me
Doesn't matter how much you cry at night, when you wake up and face people, you have to look and be your very best
The world is run by people who is daring and have guts
Not one who go around begging for pitty
But eventually, we can fill the holes it left in us
this would really hurt if I'd been in an actually good relationship that wasn't just me trying to console someone, or a crazy desperate chick who wanted to rush in way too fast. lol, why have i just been spouting all my issues on fs lately? lemme know if its like annoying or making me seem like an attention whore
It's a hell of a post
I think you'll find you're not the only one
I've had a very strong crush on my close friend and work-colleague for 6-8 months now. And this past thursday, I told her how I felt about her, just to clear my chest and try to move on since she is already in a relationship with another person.
Now the sad part is that she actually have feelings for me as well. She told all these things that if the timing had been different she would definetly have chosen me over the other guy. That she has had dreams about me and her where her current boyfriend isn't around. And that when the day comes when I have a girlfriend it would pain her.
Now I feel really confused and depressed. She seems to have feelings for me, has dreamt about me, and would even choose me over her boyfriend had things just been different. This isn't helping me move on, just the opposite. My heart is screaming "She is the one", I have never felt this strongly about any other girl....