Here's another video covering the subject from someone I trust.
And BTW la, comcast has slowed service before, when negotiating with Netflix. Basically held them ransom until they got terms that were favorable.
@tarotnathers13th Is that even legal? How did that happen? And I think verizon had done something similar but more loopholey (which is totally a word).
It's not legal, but it hasn't been proven that Comcast was doing that, but it was rather suspicious that the problems cleared up once they had come to terms.
It's kind of a damned of you do, damned if you don't thing. Who do do you want in charge of the internet, the government, or private citizens/companies?
No one should really be " in charge " of the internet, people should monitor it for illegal activity but since the internet is international with billions of people on it no one should really be able to say if you can or can't do something or decide what you can and can't look at or charge you extra for website " packages ". Would out really like to pay $10 to use FUNsubstance ?
The internet as a concept may be international, but people own the hardware it's made of and someone has to pay for upkeep and expansion and such, so someone's going to have some sort of authority over it.
They get access to literally everything.
And BTW la, comcast has slowed service before, when negotiating with Netflix. Basically held them ransom until they got terms that were favorable.