I wrote a short story, it wasn't about suicide, but it was about permanent departure.
My character waited until after spring to leave for no other reason than to smell the lilacs in the neighborhood just one more time.
That's what I do. I find something little or otherwise insignificant to wait for, like a new episode of a show or a comic. It makes it more manageable to think of it like I just have to hang on for that instead of waiting for some big, indistinct, or far off event like marriage.
What is a line but an infinite series of infinitismal points that have no significance on their own, save to preserve the line as unbroken? Life is a series of seemingly insignificant events that trace a unique path from birth to death; some of the events are only meaningful because they allow the progression to the next event.You need all of those events to make you who you are today and who you will be in the future; they are all important because you are important.
But you are only important to yourself. If you take a large perspective, you are but a speck of dust in the cosmic desert. Importance is a lie we tell ourselves.
The fact your overbearing mother would follow you to ruin your after life.
· 7 years ago
I've never understood needing a good reason to be alive. I want to be alive because being dead would be boring, I got too many movies and shit I wanna see.
I think there's nothing after death, much like how there was nothing before birth. That wasn't really boring, since I never remembered nor felt anything, so why would death?
I mean, without entertainment and companionship, I'd wanna punch my card too.
My character waited until after spring to leave for no other reason than to smell the lilacs in the neighborhood just one more time.