I'd disagree. I think most feminist are moderate, normal women like me. We just aren't that vocal about it because we get embarrassed by the outliers. That being said, I don't have any statistical data on the proportion of feminists to misandrists.
I'd say grim's statement still rings true given the caveats of "most vocal". Most, not all and vocal, meaning those are the ones you hear about, the ones that speak out, the ones that make headlines.
Additionally, by placing the word feminists in quotes implies that while the "most vocal" ones identify as such, their ideology is inherently incompatible with real Feminism.
tl;dr it doesn't matter if 99% of the population wants to do something, if none of them speak up about it. You can't say you're a part of something without actually doing it. It's like saying your a pilot but have no training nor have ever actually been in a plane.
· 7 years ago
From a movement that claims labelling so important that we have to have garbagepersons and firepersons. When you boil all the reasons you haven't achieved anything in life down to one ethereal presence and you name it after men (patriarchy), then the presented solution of clear thought is named after women (feminism); there's a disconnect of logic there.
well i dont think that they should be treated the same because they are different for example it is in my opinion completely fair to consider a gender more for certain jobs. For example a man and a woman apply for the same construction job it would be more then fair to consider the man more then the woman for being a man.
Yup. Because men do all that work with their bare hands you know, they don't use tools specifically made to reduce the amount of physical effort needed or anything. I mean...bulldozers, cranes, jackhammers, saws, wrenches...that stuff's just there to look neat, the workers really only use their hands and teeth.
People confuse equal to equivalent, or one speaks of absolute terms and another circumstantial. Men and women posses an overall equal value to society. In most tasks men and women will perform closely from a large sample where all have similar education and experience. Each have areas they excel in, and each has biological advantages the other does not. Looking at an equation, 2+2=1+3. Both are different and show different values but are equal overall. For example if you receive 40 work hours in a week, the uncle are equal wether it is 5 shifts of 8, 4 shifts of 10, or any combination. Depending on individual circumstance one may be preferred but all the weeks are equal. Things can be different and still equal, and with value of a person equality isn't a practical matter but an emotional issue.
Women have twice the X chromosome which carries the genes to see red, as a primary color that gives them better color differentiation on average as well as better maximum potential. Women tend to be more flexible and agile, are better multitaskers, have lower testosterone and are thus less prone to biological aggressiveness, and incubate our young (a feat which technology still can't replicate.) amongst other things. That isn't to say women are better, it's to say that without men and women human society doesn't function. We both have equally critical roles and both tend to have strengths in certain areas. It's called life, which requires both men and women to even exist. It isn't sexist to say we are different, it's sexist to say our differences give either sex more value.
Yeah well that is all im saying do not treat them as if they are the same. Women should not be considered for jobs that consider hard labor in fact the military conducted this test and found that 85% of women who attempted to join the marines failed the requirements that most males tended to pass. Women tend to be emotional and do not think well in heated situations when it comes to combat. That is why im saying you should be careful with equality because i do not think men and women should be treated equally in certain cases because they are really different in a lot of ways. I only say this because from the looks on the meme up there is says that a female equal a male which i completely disagree with guest is right in saying there are many ways to get to the same answer but it does not make the equations the same. http://thehill.com/policy/defense/284252-report-6-out-of-7-female-recruits-fail-new-marines-fitness-test-for-combat
Biologically speaking, men and women are quite different. Men usually have less body fat and have enough testosterone to get really bulky and muscular whereas women's bodies are geared towards taking care of the womb and giving birth (wider hips, fat going to the stomach, etc.). This does not mean that one has less value than the other. Women deserve every right that men have and vice versa.
yeah they do that is not my argument they shouldn't be treated equally is what im saying they are different. I even said i believe they should get the same rights in the first comment.
· 7 years ago
Trashman: "since men and women are different they should be treated differently, but they should have the same rights"
Bruh make up your mind
the same rights and being treated differently is different i agree they should all have the same basic rights but when it comes to jobs not a right they should be treated differently.
no im saying when you lose the job that requires physical labor to the man you shouldn't protest sexism you should realize that you are biologically inferior at this task. You should still have human rights of not being raped and not being abused.
· 7 years ago
What does rape and abuse have to do with your job argument?
oh my gosh im just saying they deserve human rights like everyone else but in non right cases they should be treated differently example a job is not a right and therefore in the context of different treatment.
Please do not think I'm attacking you. To begin, your position states that women are simply "biologically inferior" at certain tasks, however those who prove they are as good at it as a man are exceptions. However your position does not include a provision where men must prove themselves, instead assuming they are fit for the work. This is despite the fact that not all men are physically strong. For instance 70-80% of ALL armed forces applicants are turned away due to lack of qualification. That means at 85% women would be only slightly higher than the general DQ rate. So could you see how while admitting men and women are different isn't sexist, requiring a woman to "prove her worth" where you assume any man is capable is? That when you say "there are exceptions" but make broad statements based on gender there is contradiction? It would suffice to say that any individual man or woman needs to prove they are capable of a task. Equality is about how we value people not their abilities.
yeah but this 85% was taken from the people already in the marines it was a test for combat readiness. I know but from the picture up there it looks confusing I am just saying they are different and should not be treated the same in certain situations. I am not saying for every case im saying though the extra muscle body mass men are born with should go into account when recruiting for hard labor jobs.
I apologize as I misread that. I don't think anyone has disagreed men and women are different. I agree. Men and women should be treated different sometimes. For instance I'd treat a man and woman differently if both were bleeding from their genitals, I wouldn't give the guy a tampon, I'd take him to the hospital. That may seem self evident, but that's sort of the point. It's pretty self evident that if a man OR woman walks into a job and doesn't meet the requirements you send them walking. Ability and potential must be judged on individual merits. Einstein was just human, in theory we all have the potential to out think him, but in practice that potential isn't achievable to most. Regardless of a mans potential to be stronger than a woman (upper body) you can't tell without vetting both cantidates. Since the job stays the same you'd vet them equally, you may not need someone who can bench 500lbs, maybe just someone who can hold up 60lbs in the air for a minute or two.
Additionally, by placing the word feminists in quotes implies that while the "most vocal" ones identify as such, their ideology is inherently incompatible with real Feminism.
Bruh make up your mind
The bottom panel is equality...