The best. The most. More smarter. So happy he has done everything he promised he would.
· 7 years ago
What a long word. He knows the best words.
· 7 years ago
Like every student athlete ever said:
· 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
He's legit about to be under fire for impeachment. There's no way he's gonna make it to the end of his term with all this russian shit and the meeting his son had. Ish bash bosh he is the worst president and he has barely started. He makes Nixon look like a bratty toddler
There is no Russian shit the president is involved in. That's just a narrative CNN is running with. Even if that meeting his son had was illegal (nevermind that the lawyer wasn't acting on behalf of the Russian government), Trump can't be held responsible for his adult son's actions.
In the email chain that Trump jr. Released it clearly says that the information they said they had I'm Hillary was a sign of Russia's support for Trump. It's not just a narrative. There's already proof that Russia was involved. Stop denying straight up facts.
Hey, all I'm gonna say is, if it's wrong for a presidential candidate to receive assistance from other nations, how about we talk about the millions of dollars worth of campaign donations Hillary received from China and Saudi Arabia?
Just be glad the assistance is only money and information. Nations have committed to wars, revolutions, and assassinations to influence another's election.
Though personally, I'd take Russian support over Chinese or Saudi any day of the week.
Who brought up Hillary? You guys really need to stop with the "but she did that" argument. We're not talking about Hillary, she's not a candidate and she's not the president of the united states. What we're talking about is the possibility of a collusion between Trump and Russia. The FBI and CIA have confirmed that Russia hacked into servers during the voting and it's also confirmed that they spread missinformation in favor of Trump. That's the subject at hand. Not Hillary Clinton. I seriously don't understand how you don't see this. I guess facts have no meaning when you're getting all your "news" from the orange in office.
Misinformation? I thought they only posted stuff found in the servers. And I haven't heard any evidence of the hackers being affiliated with the Russian government.
And it is important to remember what's wrong with Clinton, because so many of those against Trump seem to think Hillary would somehow be better.
It's important to know that Hillary also might be as corrupt as Trump, but you can't use the argument "but Hillary...". You know what kind of people use those arguments? Little kids. Grow up and realize that Trump is doing shit in office and has broken more rules his first 6 months than the last four presidents together.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
"No one brought up Hillary" - except your best buddies chakun and famousone, to whom he directly replied.
· 7 years ago
I love how my one comment started a shitfest. @famousone I don't agree with your political views, but I won't let it get in the way of our friendship =]
We can't just compare to Clinton. We have to hold Trump to the presidential standard, not another person. She's not president. Trump is, he better act like it.
I don't want to be like that, but it's very hypocritical of you to say that. Especially since you've I'm several occasions come off as wanting to censor the liberal media and proclaiming how stupid everyone who disagrees with you is.
· 7 years ago
I'm sorry, but I can't hear you over the coffee and friendship famousone and I are having
I don't recall calling for censorship, only integrity. And I've never called a person stupid for disagreeing with me, only when their reasons stupid.
I do not appreciate being misrepresented just because you want the last word too much to leave well enough alone.
If you don't want to be "misrepresented" you shouldnt say things that misrepresent you. Or more accurately put: represents you. Also you have on several occasions used the term "libtard" to generalize everyone who isn't a conservative.
I don't recall using the term libtard, let alone several times, but I have left a lot of comments, so give me three examples in the last year where I called someone a libtard before they said something stupid or inflammatory, and I'll concede the point.
Yes, I will definitely go through all your comments just to find every instance where you said that. Just stand for what you've said at least. I vividly remember us having an argument that started with you using the term "libtards" on a political post.
Alright ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ doesn't diminish the fact that you've expressed opinions that can very very easily be interpreted as you wanting the media to be censored in a pro right way and how brainwashed left leaning people are.
I don't want any politically motivated censorship, only some integrity.
· 7 years ago
So you just decide on who's a person of integrity, what a tremendous difference.
· 7 years ago
It was only a matter of time before you showed up
· 7 years ago
I am happy to see her again
· 7 years ago
Is your intention to insult me by insinuating I was female despite knowing I'm not (which would be about as misogynous as I'd have expected) or are you trailing way behind modern times in assuming only a woman could speak out against male chauvinism?
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Nope just like to see you angry.
Cute when you're mad.
· 7 years ago
The expression on my face when you're unavailingly trying to insult me by calling me a girl is fueled by pure delight, satisfaction and superiority. I can hardly thank you enough for that.
· 7 years ago
Well, you'd be wrong.
I wasn't saying that you because you're female.
I say it cause you're an idiot.
· 7 years ago
So you call me a girl in order to insult me, because you think I'm an idiot. Which means that you'd be insulted by someone calling you that. That's as prepubescent as it can get. Also that last posting of yours reads as if you just had your first beer. Now _that_ is cute.
· 7 years ago
You jumped over that last sentence, that's fine.
Since I've never drank beer before, care to elucidate me(be more clear(explain))?
The US was obligated to defend Ukraine as an ally. Even Obama seemingly turned hard-line. Until he refused to stand by the line he drew in the sand. No point now.
He drew a line, and America had an obligation to defend an ally from a hostile aggressor.
As ugly as it is, sometimes war is the answer. His refusal to follow through cost him and America a lot of credibility.
· 7 years ago
Why are y'all getting down voted? Likes for each of you fine, smart fellows.
the way i would describe it is that Trump won the election but lost the presidency.
He won, sure, but his presidency thus far has been filled with failures and low approval ratings. There have been zero press briefings this month. Plus there's Trump tweeting nonsensical insults to reporters and celebrities. A president should not do that, yet he is, and he has made the US the laughingstock of the international community.
So my Grandfather was a major Trump supporter and said he would be the best president ever. Yesterday he told me Obama should've gotten a third term. Not even joking.
Going to be funny as hell when he wins again for another 4 and the liberals will be crying and the democrats will be trying to find some boogeyman to blame again lol
· 7 years ago
Ironically enough, we may not even have to try. The liberals will drive away so many people Trump wins the popular vote and the electoral college.
Luckily there isn't that many true liberals out there the news just like to make it look like there are Like 1 million for every republican as for the popular vote if we make voter id required in all states then he would have that to. Even if he doesn't do the best for the next 4 years he will still win, the devil you know and all.
54 words? Keeping score on something?
you bet i am
Though personally, I'd take Russian support over Chinese or Saudi any day of the week.
And it is important to remember what's wrong with Clinton, because so many of those against Trump seem to think Hillary would somehow be better.
Your sentiment is appreciated and mutual.
I do not appreciate being misrepresented just because you want the last word too much to leave well enough alone.
Cute when you're mad.
I wasn't saying that you because you're female.
I say it cause you're an idiot.
Since I've never drank beer before, care to elucidate me(be more clear(explain))?
As ugly as it is, sometimes war is the answer. His refusal to follow through cost him and America a lot of credibility.
He won, sure, but his presidency thus far has been filled with failures and low approval ratings. There have been zero press briefings this month. Plus there's Trump tweeting nonsensical insults to reporters and celebrities. A president should not do that, yet he is, and he has made the US the laughingstock of the international community.