I'm not down for fat shaming, but I'm not down for thin shaming either especially since i dealt with that one growing up, so I know first hand how this feels, and none of it will benefit anyone.
Now, this bitch with her little sign! First, I wouldn't want to go in there anyway, but I just wonder how well she'd take it, if she was presented at some door with another sign that says "IF YOUR ASS IS ROUND, WE DON'T WANT YOU AROUND".
I know that skinny people feel bad about feeling thin sometimes too because they feel they should be curvier/bigger especially when they reach a certain age. I know this because I had a friend in high school who wanted to put stones in her pocket everytime we had a mandatory weigh-in at the clinic because she was embarrassed of how light she was. Hope she has learned to own it now.
And I hope groups of people stop being discriminatory towards another group of people because they "have always been valid/superior in society's eyes" because think about it, all that does is create an oppressive loop.
Now, this bitch with her little sign! First, I wouldn't want to go in there anyway, but I just wonder how well she'd take it, if she was presented at some door with another sign that says "IF YOUR ASS IS ROUND, WE DON'T WANT YOU AROUND".
And I hope groups of people stop being discriminatory towards another group of people because they "have always been valid/superior in society's eyes" because think about it, all that does is create an oppressive loop.