It's what it represents it's not about the actual fabric. Anyone who makes fun of this has never know what it's like to stand for something. I admire the bravery of the firemen.
They obviously weighed the risks and figured they had enough time to save it before they themselves were in immediate danger. Use your brain dipshit, the questions answer themselves if you just think about it for a second.
Not arguing the symbolism of our flag, but what about the deep cover ops guys? The ones that work in secret for America. The ones included in the black budget. Even the president isnt allowed to know what goes on. They get no military funeral. The families get a story of fiction, like "they died in a training accident" and no beniefits. They often go into battle or deep cover ops having to denounce their affiliation with the military. So only a handfull of people know why they actually died. Our American flag is a peice of fabric which over 90% are made in China. It only holds meaning to people the government decides to give it meaning to. I salute the soldiers that give their lives for the American people, not a peice of cloth. Opinions are like assholes though, everybody has one, here is mine.
That's an extremely specific example. You should stop reading Wikipedia pages and go for a walk in nature once in awhile and clear your head out. It's full of nonsense.
Right. Good job arguing your point. Telling me my head is full of nonsense and telling me to walk in nature. Ill give another example then. What about the thousands if veterans that commit suicide everyday due to PTSD and the lack of care given by the VA? You think those men and women cared avout the symbolysim of a peice of cloth? They faught for a flag that used the best parts of them and then turned its back. Not to mention the thousands of soldiers waiting months for sumple check ups. Flags give symbolysim to those who choose to give it. I doubt any soldier that commits suicide would tell you they would go back and do it all again. The pride flag gives pride to the LGBT community. The confederate flag gives pride to southern assholes who also fly the American flag right next to it. The white flag gives the symbol of surrender. Please tell me the logic of going around in nature will give me a sense of logic when it comes to pledging to a flag, or pledging to defend the
American people. We seem to forget about the pledge to fight all enemies, foreign AND domestic. Last time I checked we fight wars for oil, not freedom.
Na. Just get frustrated when people tell others to go walk in nature as a counter argument. I usualy never get into these arguments but hey, gota tug the tiger by the tail every once in a while.
I actually just got back from an hour and a half stare at the sunrise and contemplation about how astronomically small yet physically huge a human is. On another note, I saw a Possum.
God forbid some people have a sense of national pride. This is why this country is going to shit. Not enough people have a sense of petriotism. That flag is more than just fabric. It is a representation of this great nation, which is why people get so angry when people burn the flag, or soil it. They aren't destroying a piece of fabric, they're symbolizing destroying the nation of America.
· 7 years ago
And if they let it burn, they don't care about the nation.
That's why they saved the damn thing.
Ok but... Wether you like it or not its a piece of fabric.If someone voluntarily defiles a flag, then thats an assault on what the flag represents. If the bloody flag burns in a fucking fire, or is destroyed by a hurricane or w/e then its only a piece of cloth being destroyed, and whatever it represents is unharmed... Nature can't hurt ideals, ideas or symbols...
· 7 years ago
Would have been better off saving a few more lives of animals and pets rather than saving a scrap of fabric. In the end a flag, ANY FLAG, is just fabric stitched together. You can get them anywhere and everywhere, letting it burn doesn't damage the ideal.
Explain national pride without using the word "flag". Ill go first. Being proud of my family and friends that served in the military as individuals. Out of the dozens that I know, one does not regret it and she was in the airforce intellegence and saw no combat. Talk to almost any soldier and they will tell you they didnt fight for you, the country or a flag. They fought for their brothers standing beside them. The conflict that all the vets I know fought in since 2002 all call it bullshit. I support each soldier as an individual, not a government that sent friends of mine to die for oil. Go ahead and research what was found underground in Afghanistan a few years before we went to war. The war on terrorism is a fictional tittle so unimformed Americans will sing along with a Toby Keith song and support whatever they tell them to. We havnt fought a war for freedom since WWII.
First: They weren't "surrounded by flames." The fire was a few hundred yards away, they were doing preventative spraying with the hose. As in, they were there attempting to protect the property in that area and stop the fire from spreading to it. They weren't being stupid or dangerous to save the flag, they were professionals keeping an eye on a nearby fire anyway. Second: It IS a waving piece of fabric, near a fire where embers are flitting around, in an area they were trying to contain. Removing stray cloth or flammable materials that are close enough to a house to start a fire if they light up is a preventative measure. They probably could have hosed it down to stop it from catching fire, but it was an American flag. Firefighting, police work, and military work tend to run in families. It wouldn't be a stretch to say those firemen might have friends or family in the military and wanted to respect it by taking it down since they had the chance, instead of dousing it with water.
"the fire was a few hundred yards away, they were doing preventive spraying"
yeah but that doesn't make for a good story = doesn't make for clickbait titles = that doesn't bring in viewers = that doesn't bring in ad revenue
From the article.
"That was about the time they turned around and saw the flag, and they wanted to get it down," Edelson told CNN. "But it was pretty high up; they couldn't reach it."
Edelson said he presumes their intention was to protect the flag as a "symbolic act." He also said it's possible that removing the flag was a preventative measure: With the waving fabric so close to the house, it would only take a few embers blowing in the wind for the flag, and the home, to catch fire."
This is silly. If my house is on fire, I don't run in for a playstation/computer which both hold irreplaceable value. I understand they believe there is value there, but dying for one flag isn't enough. At least die in war or rescuing children. The founding fathers would frown at this.
They are firefighters that have already done everything they can do. With nothing else to be done, they took ten or twenty seconds to secure a symbol of everything they swore to protect.
They are trained professionals, they would not do anything to hinder their mission.
Last I checked, fire swore no oath to kill or save, it does both by nature. It both burns cities to the ground and gives rebirth to forests and fields. If anything, firefighers swear to protect and save those that cannot do it themselves. Just like soldiers. A flag has nothing to do with a firefighter giving his life. Think about all the firefighters that serve under many governments under many flags. They all have the same truth, to save lives, no matter what country they swear to, or flag they fall under.
That's why they saved the damn thing.
yeah but that doesn't make for a good story = doesn't make for clickbait titles = that doesn't bring in viewers = that doesn't bring in ad revenue
"That was about the time they turned around and saw the flag, and they wanted to get it down," Edelson told CNN. "But it was pretty high up; they couldn't reach it."
Edelson said he presumes their intention was to protect the flag as a "symbolic act." He also said it's possible that removing the flag was a preventative measure: With the waving fabric so close to the house, it would only take a few embers blowing in the wind for the flag, and the home, to catch fire."
They are trained professionals, they would not do anything to hinder their mission.