The first part was believable.., but the clapping wasn't.
· 7 years ago
Who in their right mind would question why rape is illegal, doesn't really seem believable to me. Then again, I've never been in an American public school
I don't know, I've seen it. During a debate in school. Everyone started yelling at the kid, so if someone said this elsewhere they might get a slap. People at my school liked to randomly clap, but that's just my school.
the question that can spark something like this: Was freedom immediately better for the slaves in the south? (The history professor looks for an argument that supports yes).. when everything factual says absolutely no. Violence against black people increased, laws were amended to become even more oppressive, social status of freemen plummeted and the only real opportunities for prosperity were usually 3-4 states away.
Was it overall better when you look at it from 200+ years later? Duh.
That wasn't what the question asked though... bitch gave me a 65 on that essay, held me back from winning a NSHSS instead of just being nominated which was a deciding factor in me being wait-listed to NYU instead of accepted.
She can go fuck herself.
Oh they are very common - today's world just likes to shame it. Most are attracted to the thrill of being dominated or dominating - they wouldn't actually want to get raped but perhaps if your current partner wants to play a few game...
I want a study done to see if getting your rocks off from rape-fiction actually creates an outlet for would be rapists or if it encourages them. A similar argument was spoken about pedophilia a few years back but nothing ever came of it. But pedophilia also has it's section. It's called loli and is mostly hentai. It's wonder if it
s coincidence that both of these kinks collide in loli or if it's just the creators realizing that there's a pretty big market for it.
It wasn't exactly a campaign but kinda. Japan kinda was getting heat from the rest of the world for allowing child all-but-porn stars that were sold like candy at convenience stores. Eventually, it became illegal and hentai/anime was the next target. It was deemed that loli hentai is free speech(writing?) and as long as it stays fiction then it's alright.
Of course this is a bit of a skim over of the story but it tells it pretty well.
The first part could potentially happen. The second would get a student suspended, and possibly lead to criminal charges. That's battery. It's a crime. Nobody would be clapping. Fucking hell.
i think the poster got confused. I’m pretty sure the police officers pulling the girl out of the classroom for punching someone in the face were getting the applause.
Since when were cops that fast? Maybe they're precognitive? Wait hang on. The claps were slow because they were waiting for the police! I figured it out! GO me!
Big whoop! I'm risking fractures by just being here! I had to get Brain to talk him out of a boxing career so I wouldn't shatter! And then he gets addicted to chewing hard candy! He's chipped two of my teeth in the past month!
· 7 years ago
Yeah and his dumb ass tripped and broke one of my incisors and one of your canines.
Was it overall better when you look at it from 200+ years later? Duh.
That wasn't what the question asked though... bitch gave me a 65 on that essay, held me back from winning a NSHSS instead of just being nominated which was a deciding factor in me being wait-listed to NYU instead of accepted.
She can go fuck herself.
Anyone who get's upset about seeing rape in a work of fiction is an idiot. It's FICTION.
I want a study done to see if getting your rocks off from rape-fiction actually creates an outlet for would be rapists or if it encourages them. A similar argument was spoken about pedophilia a few years back but nothing ever came of it. But pedophilia also has it's section. It's called loli and is mostly hentai. It's wonder if it
s coincidence that both of these kinks collide in loli or if it's just the creators realizing that there's a pretty big market for it.
Of course this is a bit of a skim over of the story but it tells it pretty well.