A well fitted t-shirt and well-done hair. If you were poor you would be wear your sibling's clothes that would fit you for another 5 years. And your hair would look plain because who cares about looking good when you're poor.
· 7 years ago
Is North really that big already? Feels like Kim gave birth to her a few months ago
I think this also applies to cars to some extent. Expensive sports cars like Lambos, Ferraris, Audis etc. just seem like what a rich douchebag would buy. But there is a factor of different tastes here and some sports cars do genuinely look good, I am just very biased in this respect because I'm a sucker for classics.
(lol but yeah supreme is shit)
Little Yachty voice: my nickuh... chiiiiiiiiillllllllll...
15th June 2013
I just checked