I'm sure. A penis is just another muscle. Let me Google it
EDIT: apparently I don't know what a penis is made of. Due to the fact that it's NOT a muscle, it cannot cramp, but your nerve endings can overreact to certain stimulations and can feel like one
The point was that no MIGHT have actually been yes, but it's kinda hard to know unless you have a bit of context - such as the two were roleplaying.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Damn. Guys get hard every morning. And after that many times during the day. It's not sexual. Sometimes it just gets hard for no apparent reason at all.
And it's not like guys want sex all the time. Once the responsibilities, job, bills and all the Shit kicks in along with the stress. You would probably avoid every move your partner makes towards you. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't have sex totally. Do it. But with consent.
Well guys want sex most of the time but there are a lot of factors that play in like how tired is the guy and what is his style. Like me I don't do quickies so I want sex but im to tired to give my all I wont have sex other guys will have sex 3 times a day but there selfish about it so like 10 seconds and there done and the girl is like wtf? Also most guys hit that age like 25 or so where they realize sex is exhausting so still want to have sex but got work to do so put off sex or wont get shit done.Its funny girls have sex and its invigorating they can like go for a run after. but guys its like that's it im done, for like a hour. go for a run hell I don't even want to go to the kitchen for a snack.
· 7 years ago
Well not what I was saying. But I agree with you too.
Its state is not always under the owner's control. At 17, that damn thing may rear its head from a stray thought about beach volleyball or the R rated movie you saw last night to an errant breeze. Later in life (as early as in your 50s) the opposite can be the case, as shown by all the commercials for ED medication.
If your close enough that you can feel if a guys has a hard on 90% of the time you're safe assuming he wants to fuck you unless its early morning then he has to go take a leek then he probably wants to fuck you. Stop trying to make every thing more then it is, and trying to pass it off like wisdom equal to buddha's. Oh there is a secret way to tell if you're in doubt you say hay want to fuck if he says yes you're probably safe assuming your not rapping him.
EDIT: apparently I don't know what a penis is made of. Due to the fact that it's NOT a muscle, it cannot cramp, but your nerve endings can overreact to certain stimulations and can feel like one
Maybe for some...
But if he says no, it's a no
Don't rape people!
Don't actually rape people
I love how someone downthumbed my upthumb comment.
Such amuse.
Very irony.