Dog might give him a reason to stick around. It's not that he can't take care of hinself, he just can't think of a reason to stick around. I'm just trying to help him find a reason.
When people get into that really depressed state taking care of themselves can get really draining and just end up as too much for them to bother with.
· 7 years ago
I'm sorry im just so fucking lost right now I dont know what to do
Yep. Text HOPELINE to 741741 or call 1-800-273-8255. If you do not live in the States, there are similar hotlines in every country. Cafés where you can pet cats or dogs are also trending: if there is one close to where you live, go spend a few hours there, without your phone, without your laptop. Also, stop wasting your precious time on this kind of websites, except if you have a special relationship with one or several of its members: then, ask them to contact them and chat with them somewhere else (FB, or any IM). Sport is highly recommended, even if (ESPECIALLY IF) you do not feel inclined to practice any sport at all. Subscribe to a free trial at your local gym, or just go for a long walk. Call your best friends, or members of your family. These are not dumb pieces of standard advice: I am depressed right now, and have been for several months, and this is what helped me. All these things made me realize that there can be some fun in my life.
Finn? Are you alright? If you need someone to talk to then feel free to contact me (even tho I'm just a guest). I've had a depression which almost ended my life. So if you need it, I might be able to understand some of you thoughts.
· 7 years ago
Well I almost killed myself last night, kinda glad I didn't but hey. Turns out I missed the last train and the sleeping pills I stashed were the wrong kind to OD on. I have called helplines in the past but they didnt really work for me. Eventually I just fell asleep listening to a combination of David Bowie, Radiohead and Nick Cave. Thanks for the support though
It may not be my place, but I have seen your comments and I like you so I just want to see if you're ok.
· 7 years ago
Its ok, havent tried anything since, might though. Im not doing that well in all honesty. Im just really tired of screwing a lot of things up, because in life, I was dealt a really good hand, and I didn't make the most of it. I've got some serious mental health issues like Depression, anxiety, and PTSD and all that jazz. Had it for 'bout 4 years, and I dont know how much more i can take
I can kind of see where you are coming from, though you have it worse I'm sure. I get a lot of problems with ocd, depression, tourette's and early signs of schizophrenia. Mental health's a problem when you seem to be well offbecause people don't take you seriously. I'm really sorry about that, do you get medication?
· 7 years ago
I've been referred to a psychiatrist so hopefully soon
Glad to hear that they might be able to help you to get better. I study psychology and I've been through a lot too. Are you able to tell about all your thoughts? Or write them down? It helped me when I was in my worst state with anxiety, suicide thoughts, depression and a eating disorder.
Oh and it was not to discriminate or say that I've had it worse! It was just something I did back then, which helped me. I am really deeply interested to help you (both of you/anyone) because it is possible to get better and live with the illnesses. I believe in you :)
· 7 years ago
Thanks for that, I tend to be fairly open about it. Most of it stems from severe bullying I had at school, plus the fact that I got ADHD naturally. I've managed to get out of that space but I'm still trying to deal with the aftershocks. I'm just trying to find ways to cope, cos not many have been working. However, the past 3 days have been very calm, and just a little melancholy, so it's been a nice few days comparitavely
And how goes now? :) Hope you are still Holding on ^^ have A great Day/Night!
· 7 years ago
Im not gonna lie super shaky. I'm struggling. I'm coming to terms with the fact that this won't ever be fixed in a day, week or even months. The situation I'm in will take years to deal with and I don't know if I'm capable of that.
How are you today? Hope youre okay :)