Why not sign up then? There's a website that will track your word count, and where you can meet other writers near you, and get feedback as well! Just Google nanowrimo and it'll come up.
· 7 years ago
I've been working on it for almost 2 years now
· 7 years ago
I've been working on mine for 5 years. Still nowhere near done, but hopefully this will push me to work on it more.
That's not a lot, especially if you can map it out before. It might get exhaustive if you have nothing you want to write, but if you are writing a novel, where you presumably have enough material, the problem isn't about how much you are writing, it's just the organization. If you are on a hot streak, 30 pages/day isn't crazy. I've had a few days of hitting 35+ pages in a day. Those 30 page days need another day of proof-reading and some fine-tuning, but that can come after.
· 7 years ago
It's a lot if you're working full time and have other responsibilities on top of that. I only wrote about 860 words last night, but I also only had about 3 hours to do so.
oh yeah, if you have other stuff to do of course it's much harder. Those 30 pages/day I'm talking about I had literally nothing to do and had a framework already written.
But I try to put it on paper, and it's like a picked a whole bouquet of whoopsie daisies.