The issue is in the first word. Before asserting that a being has certain characteristics, such as preferring one type of people to another, you must first prove that this being exists.
· 7 years ago
Not necessarily, I can say that Gandalf doesn’t like mustard on his hot dog without asserting that he exists
But Gandalf is an accepted fictional character. You aren't speaking about him as if he were real making the scenario different. Gotta do my hair for school now.
Here's what I wonder: Can you be a Christian and be so damn sour? I mean, is it actually the case the the few people who use the Bible to bash people are "church members" and not actually Christians? By Christians, I mean people who acknowledge Jesus as Lord or God or God's Son, and want to do what he said. They want to find out what GOD meant by what he said, not how you can twist it to serve what you wish it said.
There are so many people who grab a verse from the Bible and take it out of context that they just don't seem to actually believe the Bible is God's Word, but that it's like a neighborhood charter, the meaning of which is left up to anybody's own interpretation. I can see someone believing certain things are wrong (homosexuality, sex before marriage), but does anybody really think that you can show that God loves you and wants a relationship with you if you lead off with "What you're doing will condemn you to hell!"
There are so many people who grab a verse from the Bible and take it out of context that they just don't seem to actually believe the Bible is God's Word, but that it's like a neighborhood charter, the meaning of which is left up to anybody's own interpretation. I can see someone believing certain things are wrong (homosexuality, sex before marriage), but does anybody really think that you can show that God loves you and wants a relationship with you if you lead off with "What you're doing will condemn you to hell!"