Its valid in the way that you majored in it, not valid in the way that you're gonna make money.
So while you may have a gender studies degree, good luck finding a job that'll work with that besides being in hr ( even then I don't trust people with gender studies degrees to be unbiased and fair the way hr is supposed to be)
You have made a dumbass decision when you chose what to study, so suck it! Dont blame it on others
There are always jobs that are more wanted in a period of time due to society's demand/need. And it happens to never be gender study
So it sucks to be you
So while you may have a gender studies degree, good luck finding a job that'll work with that besides being in hr ( even then I don't trust people with gender studies degrees to be unbiased and fair the way hr is supposed to be)
There are always jobs that are more wanted in a period of time due to society's demand/need. And it happens to never be gender study
So it sucks to be you