Tanks on the beaches on the 1st wave? An Allied medical tent already pitched up on the 1st wave? The game is just a inaccurate crappy rehash of Allied Assault.
Hmm, are you talking about the part where you drag Zussman to the medic? As for the tanks on the beach, I'm gonna play devil's advocate and say that we're not part of the first wave, but I'm pretty sure we are, so I don't really have an excuse for that, however, if you're referring to the bit where you drag a stabbed Zussman to find a medic, that was just a temporary aid station, kind of like a field station, I think, I'm not sure what the correct technical term is. That tent was already there, it wasn't set up by the medics.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Yes but the tent wouldn't have been up at this point. Not until the beaches were taken and the land inward was cleared.
Well I assumed that the tent was already set up by the Germans, like, it wasn't meant as an aid station, it was just an easily defensible area that our G.I.s were using to consolidate the wounded. It wasn't even a proper tent, with walls and shit, it was more like a pavilion, it looked like it was a gun position or something. For the record, though, I'm with you on the tanks. Although, that only applies if you're talking about the Sherman wreck that you take cover behind during your sprint up the beach. There is another Sherman that moves up to help take out a gun emplacement, and by that time I'm pretty sure there would have been tanks on the beach.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
There were pretty much no tanks on the beach on the first wave (on Omaha beach anyway, I can't account for Jump, Sword or Gold though). They tried using these things called ducks (A nickname I believe?) After the 1st wave but most sank due to the bad weather causing swells and making too much water go inside. Only 2 of these made it to the beaches.