Whatever place you work for doesnt, but obviously with places like sea world where it takes a hell of a lot of backlash for them to actually care for the animals it's clear they don't always put the animals health first. So just because you're a dolphin train and you don't put chlorine in doesn't mean others don't.
This is in Japan and the person who reported from the location where Angel is kept reported a strong smell of chlorine in the air around the tank. There are other issues as well. Do you work as a dolphin trainer at this location in Japan? If not, then you don't actually know.
I am a professional dolphin trainer I can say with abaolitr certainty most dolphins In the care of humans are not treated this way! Stop judging something of which you have no knowledge. "But I saw it on the internet". Okay so how many years of animal husbandry or water quality training do you have?