Libs: tdump is destroying America by not doing what the rest of the world wants! Even republicunts think so! (Actual comment from WaPo)
Conservatives: no, this is literally exactly what we wanted.
They wanted the United States to curtail the first amendment. There's really no other way to interpret it, they want to fuck our free speech until it's as dead in America as it is in Germany.
@serosenpai@famousone - where are you reading that? A U.N. committee urged the US to not allow the 1st to be "misused to promote racist hate speech and racist crimes". Not "Trump", not "curtail the First Amendment", they just said that the US has to avoid racist fucks operating under the cover of the First Amendment.
The thing is, I am a free speech absolutist, I think that no matter how much of a racist/sexist/homophobic shit you are, you are allowed to speak your mind. However, allowing free speech isn't the same as giving bigoted fucks a platform that is as legitimate as a research/statistics outlet. You know what I mean? Recently a lot of media outlets have been doing this "neutrality bias" thing where they put an educated, well researched opinion on the same level as the opinion of some bigoted asshole screaming about "something something God something something Bible", and then act like it's a 50/50 conversation. (Just remember Bill Nye vs Ken Ham) But those things are just not comparable! Why should someone who spent zero minutes doing research and only has anecdotal "evidence" get the same amount of coverage as someone who has spent years researching the topic and has a clearly defined opinion? That doesn't make sense to me and if this is what the UN was aiming for, I agree with them
Also, let's not pretend like Trump is some kind of free speech warrior. I see this a lot among some popular conservatives like Tomi Lahren and her ilk, she screams about how "the left" (btw what a gross generalization) are a bunch of snowflakes who can't handle free speech and whatnot, but then she retweeted some dude who asked for another dude to be fired over an anti-"solving problems with thoughts and prayers" remark. She got triggered that he didn't believe in her Big Space Wizard and wanted him to get fired. Free speech my ass. Same with Trump, he repeatedly sued people over jokes and remarks about himself that he didn't like, and even didn't allow journalists from media outlets he disliked into a White House conference (it happened some time ago though so maybe my memory is a bit blurry, please correct me if I'm wrong). I mean come on, he sued the frickin Onion! Who tf does that? Not someone who is principled in their opinions on free speech, I'll tell you that much.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
*leans back, a little surprised*
Okay. A lot to take in.
1. We allow uneducated opinions to be said alongside educated opinions for the sole fact that NO IDEA SHOULDN'T BE LIMITED, BUT ISN'T AUTOMATICALLY GIVEN AN AUDIENCE.
2.Never heard of this Tomi character, but I'll tell you most conservatives wouldn't actually stand with her.
3.He barred them because they kept asking for him attention over a common lady who never got to ask Trump a simple question
Surprised? Did I say something outrageous?
1. If you put the uneducated opinion on a pedestal, you're giving its speaker an audience. That's my point, but I would never restrict someone's speech.
2. She's popular mainly with the anti-SJW part of conservatives.
3. Ok, good point and I'm glad you clarified that like I hoped someone would. Still, I think my point about him suing people for jokes still stands.
Trump: nu
UN: u r threat to humanity for that reason
Conservatives: no, this is literally exactly what we wanted.
Promoting hate crimes, no.
Okay. A lot to take in.
1. We allow uneducated opinions to be said alongside educated opinions for the sole fact that NO IDEA SHOULDN'T BE LIMITED, BUT ISN'T AUTOMATICALLY GIVEN AN AUDIENCE.
2.Never heard of this Tomi character, but I'll tell you most conservatives wouldn't actually stand with her.
3.He barred them because they kept asking for him attention over a common lady who never got to ask Trump a simple question
1. If you put the uneducated opinion on a pedestal, you're giving its speaker an audience. That's my point, but I would never restrict someone's speech.
2. She's popular mainly with the anti-SJW part of conservatives.
3. Ok, good point and I'm glad you clarified that like I hoped someone would. Still, I think my point about him suing people for jokes still stands.