Words are powerful, I mean they're literally our means of communication and usually hurt more than physical violence if the right words are used. Just don't be a dick.
What's it like to be so ignorant you don't understand the impact of words?
P.S. My Asatru friends would like to say please stop using "Viking" images for this sort of bullshit, Vikings understood the complexity of social roles pretty damn well.
People are saying things like: just don't be an asshole, words have power, etc. I couldn't agree more, but I think it's silly when people get offended by somebody's opinion. If somebody says an offensive statement then it's ok to be offended. What's not ok is assuming that because you're offended that person is now obligated to change their views to accommodate the way you feel. We should welcome opposing viewpoints and have logical debates about them, not shun them and shut them out for being "offensive."
I totally agree, (my comment as you can see is 'don't be a dick') but I agree that if the differing opinion is talked about logically and calmly then that's fine. Whenever I think about someone being offensive though, it's never that they have a different view point cause I respect that, I think of it like they're being racist or said something that may be inappropriate etc. so in that case I feel like they should show respect and rethink what they've said.
· 7 years ago
Exactly. Difference between opinions should be sorted out calmly. But, just going around and not caring about what you are saying to people and insulting them is a not a good thing. That's just being a dick, not brutally honest or something.
Person: woah, that's offensive
Me: you're offended?
Person: yes!
Me: sooooo?
Like am I supposed to give a flying crap about how you feel? Who do you think you are?
P.S. My Asatru friends would like to say please stop using "Viking" images for this sort of bullshit, Vikings understood the complexity of social roles pretty damn well.
Me: you're offended?
Person: yes!
Me: sooooo?
Like am I supposed to give a flying crap about how you feel? Who do you think you are?