The movie is complete garbage. It's a Lifetime movie that someone forced some ridiculous supernatural elements into. The writing is crap, the acting is crap, the special effects are crap, the plot is crap. I usually just shrug off popular movies that I don't like, but this one is so bad it pisses me off.
I like how the world can’t stop paying attention to the USA. Even if you hate us, y’all can’t fucking take y’alls eyes off of us.
· 7 years ago
I don’t see anybody claiming to hate the US, and even if they did, it’s a bit difficult to ignore the country with enough firepower to kill everyone to death thrice
The reason is anything that happens in USA or to USA, nearly everyone is affected by it.
9/11?- People all over the world face restrictions on airport till today.
2008 economic meltdown?- Everyone all over the world faces the pb.
Well, I mean. It's basically because the USA is the toddler of the world: perfectly capable of doing things themselves but should probably be supervised at all times by an adult.
What an ignorant statement. The USA can't touch the cilvillian body counts of Japan, China, Germany or Russia in the 20th century. The UK, France, Italy, and USSR were meddling with empirialist intent in the Middle East before the USA, commodore Perry was meddling in Japan long before the US got there, the opium wars and colonies in Asia were not the USA. maybe the toddler USA doesn't need adult supervision but better role models than the lecherous old men she grew up watching. Maybe they didn't complain when they were the big bully at school but are suddenly "enlightened" when a bigger kid takes over the playground? Maybe they're still as dirty and as much a bulky as ever when they want something, but don't have the muscle to always get it? Maybe when it benefits them they're fine with the USA? Maybe they become that "nice" one that laughs hardest at the cruel joke but then says "omg- you're so mean" so people don't think they're as big a cunt as they really are?
I meant more recently. Either way, insulting the nation that's done the most in recent history is a pretty dick move.
· 7 years ago
*unfollows comments*
· 7 years ago
You mean the nation that's fucked up the most haha. Let's see, Middle East, usa's fault, highest incarceration rate in the world, claims responsibility for winning both world wars when in reality you did shit all, worst healthcare system of any developed nation, is almost single handedly responsible for lack of a diplomatic resolution to Palestine and israel. I could go on if you like. The us is a genuinely awful nation that disguises propaganda as patriotism and calls it admirable
I won't deny The US is far from perfect. But- Middle East: British colonialism. Mandatory Palestine created by the U.K. Leading to the Creation of Israel and the Palestine crisis. Poor administration and racism by U.K. Created the Palestinian conflicts.
Turkish civil war and related rebels created by British screwing Turkey over on independence deal they made. Russian occupation of Afghanistan led to the Taliban and other groups which the US did fund and train as freedom fighters and to spite the Russians. Middle East- US shares blame- didn't start the problem. Both World wars- WW2 the US. Came late to the party and the Russians were a major force in the European war, but unequivocally without US lend lease and other support before our trooos hit the ground the UK would have folded very early on. It was a world war, not a pissing contest and I'm sure whatever "shit all" America did the allies wouldn't have asked them to just go home in 1943-45.
· 7 years ago
Oh yeah the us shares blame on most fronts, though I would argue the U.K. Is no longer involved in the Palestine issue as it once was. The issue I had with the world wars was more to do with the us habit of almost single handedly claiming responsibility. While they're efforts were appreciated they were not the great saving of Europe that they are made out to be.
I suspect if you open your history book you'll find 200 years of European colonialism which has shaped the modern world as it is today- Before America was a country, before it was a colony, before it was a place with its own culture and "Americans" Europeans stole America from the natives and made it theirs. Then the Americans stole it from Europe and the rest from everyone else. So when people bitch about America and how great xyz country is- what I hear is people mad that after almost every country on earth having been a powerful empire or rape, pillage, broken deals and slavery, they're mad at America for taking the head seat at the table. America isn't perfect, America does have flaws. So does every other country on earth.
Europe and Norwegian nations are actually the leading innovators in modern technology, and the smartest people are from those nations as well. America's been falling a bit behind in recent years. The only arguable people were Einstein and Tesla, but even they weren't born Americans
· 7 years ago
Believe me I could rant about colonialism just as much, the only reason I was targeting the US is they were the topic of discussion. I don't think my country's any better, in fact I dislike it probably just as much. As an Australian we are the embodiment of English colonialism. The way we have destroyed the lives of our indigenous population, and follow Americas coattails in every respect, as well as being one of the most militarily aggressive nations out there, I'm also disgusted by my nations behaviour
The Middle East was fucked by the French and the British, we didn't get involved until the Africa Campaign, but that was a team effort. The first time we acted independently in the region was when we were trying to stop the cruelest empire in recent history from obtaining the resources and support they needed to strongarm Europe into turning Soviet.
We broke WWI's stalemate that would've seen tens of thousands more die for no good reason, not to mention that during the post-war negotiations, we were the only power that advocated against fucking Germany bad enough that they turned to militant fascism out of sheer desperation.
Our guns and vehicles are the only reason the Soviets weren't dead in the snow, and without our support Europe would never have been liberated from the fascist Reich.
Palestine has time and again refused deals that offered exactly what they wanted, instead throwing bombs and butchering Israeli civilians, and even incentivising the terrorists with the
Sorry, I spent a few minutes verifying that my claims were actually true. I didn't see the conversation move on.
· 7 years ago
First of all, did you just call the soviets the cruelest empire in recent history? I'm going to assume you meant the Nazi's. Secondly, do you honestly believe that the soviets could not survive the weather of they're own country without your help? And when it comes to Palestine the Israeli's were the ones who have breached UN resolutions from the 1940's and the deals you've offered them haven't been close to satisfactory the Palestinians have made their desires known and the US and Israel are very clearly denying them it. Free Palestine kids
The Soviets slaughtered enough people to make the Nazis look like amateurs. Tens of millions of their own people were starved, executed, unpersoned, and otherwise killed by the Soviet Union.
It's not that the Soviets couldn't survive, but good luck winning battles without reliable vehicles, and even with our support they didn't have enough weapons, food, or clothes for their armies. Not to mention the resources tree Nazis were forced to take from the eastern front to try and slow the American-led allied advance.
And we should all know by now that the U.N. is worse than useless. Aside from that, the Arab world rejected a two-state solution in 47.
Also, look at the decades the Arab world had opportunity to give Palestine the holy land, Jordan especially.
As early as 2001 Palestine rejected a two-state solution that would give them part of Jerusalem, going so far as to kill over a thousand Israelis in retaliation.
Even in 2008 they rejected an offer to get 100 percent of land being
· 7 years ago
I could continue this argument but it's 3 am and i need sleep. I wholeheartedly disagree but hey, I can't win every fight cos um, I need sleep
Disputed at the time.
To this day Palestine refuses to talk to Israel in any language besides blood. Instead they petition bleeding hearts in the U.N., many of which seem to have something against Jews. They play victim while attacking civilians.
You can't seriously think Palestine has any interest in coexistence?
I knew something like this was gonna blow once I saw this post.
In ancient Chinese literature, a story like this goes: Once, there was a man who wanted to ask Confucius a question. However, arriving at his door, an apprentice answered and the man asked a question to the apprentice
“How many seasons are there in a year?”
The apprentice thought and answered:
“There are four seasons, sir”
The guest looked in shock,
“No, there are three in a year”
And so the argument went back and forth
Just as Confucius reached the door, the apprentice asked
“My teacher, surely there are 4 seasons per year?”
Confucius looked at the guest and responded
“There are three seasons in a year”
The guest held his head high and thanked Confucius before leaving.
After he left, the apprentice asked, “teacher, there is clearly four seasons in a year, why do you answer 3?”
Confucius responded
“It is pointless to reason with a man who doesn’t understand the principles of four seasons in a year,
...if you do not lie to his satisfaction, he is bound to keep bickering, you cannot afford to delay that all day, wasting meaningful time and energy.”
TL;DR: Don’t bother trying to argue, it’s pointless anyway
@kouyaaotsuki- here's a more recent story. There was once a law abiding man who'd never been in trouble. He was accused of a crime because he was nearby and the wrong race. He spent 30 years in jail. His first trial was filled with errors, his second was AFTER the man who did it confessed to the crime and stated he did it to get revenge for a small debt he was owed. The innocent man was still not freed until years later after many appeals, with the prosecution refusing to fight the case on grounds he was clearly innocent, and they couldn't believe none of his lawyers ever brought up obvious trial facts that proved it. He lost 30 years to bigotry, ignorance, and stupidity. That's probably why wise monk types live in seclusion- so they don't have to deal with all the adamantly ignorant who shape society. For the rest of us living in life we must do as he did- and spend 30 years if we must to try to educate those who believe in 3 seasons- because ignorance can be dangerous.
9/11?- People all over the world face restrictions on airport till today.
2008 economic meltdown?- Everyone all over the world faces the pb.
Turkish civil war and related rebels created by British screwing Turkey over on independence deal they made. Russian occupation of Afghanistan led to the Taliban and other groups which the US did fund and train as freedom fighters and to spite the Russians. Middle East- US shares blame- didn't start the problem. Both World wars- WW2 the US. Came late to the party and the Russians were a major force in the European war, but unequivocally without US lend lease and other support before our trooos hit the ground the UK would have folded very early on. It was a world war, not a pissing contest and I'm sure whatever "shit all" America did the allies wouldn't have asked them to just go home in 1943-45.
We broke WWI's stalemate that would've seen tens of thousands more die for no good reason, not to mention that during the post-war negotiations, we were the only power that advocated against fucking Germany bad enough that they turned to militant fascism out of sheer desperation.
Our guns and vehicles are the only reason the Soviets weren't dead in the snow, and without our support Europe would never have been liberated from the fascist Reich.
Palestine has time and again refused deals that offered exactly what they wanted, instead throwing bombs and butchering Israeli civilians, and even incentivising the terrorists with the
It's not that the Soviets couldn't survive, but good luck winning battles without reliable vehicles, and even with our support they didn't have enough weapons, food, or clothes for their armies. Not to mention the resources tree Nazis were forced to take from the eastern front to try and slow the American-led allied advance.
And we should all know by now that the U.N. is worse than useless. Aside from that, the Arab world rejected a two-state solution in 47.
Also, look at the decades the Arab world had opportunity to give Palestine the holy land, Jordan especially.
As early as 2001 Palestine rejected a two-state solution that would give them part of Jerusalem, going so far as to kill over a thousand Israelis in retaliation.
Even in 2008 they rejected an offer to get 100 percent of land being
To this day Palestine refuses to talk to Israel in any language besides blood. Instead they petition bleeding hearts in the U.N., many of which seem to have something against Jews. They play victim while attacking civilians.
You can't seriously think Palestine has any interest in coexistence?
In ancient Chinese literature, a story like this goes: Once, there was a man who wanted to ask Confucius a question. However, arriving at his door, an apprentice answered and the man asked a question to the apprentice
“How many seasons are there in a year?”
The apprentice thought and answered:
“There are four seasons, sir”
The guest looked in shock,
“No, there are three in a year”
And so the argument went back and forth
Just as Confucius reached the door, the apprentice asked
“My teacher, surely there are 4 seasons per year?”
Confucius looked at the guest and responded
“There are three seasons in a year”
The guest held his head high and thanked Confucius before leaving.
After he left, the apprentice asked, “teacher, there is clearly four seasons in a year, why do you answer 3?”
Confucius responded
“It is pointless to reason with a man who doesn’t understand the principles of four seasons in a year,
TL;DR: Don’t bother trying to argue, it’s pointless anyway