The sad thing is that you idiots really believe that the tables have turned. And sorry, but I have to say this, Serosenpai, you're the biggest fool of all here. Brother, just because the KKK doesn't fucking parade your house with a burning cross you don't only think white racism is over, you even fucking subscribe to the heinous lie that nowadays the white man is the new victim of racism. Now I'm not gonna call you an Uncle Tom, because I know how Tom is aware of his status and the circumstances. And I would never call a brother a n!gger, so I'm a gonna call you Carlton instead. I despise and pity you at the same time. The white guys allow you to their club to do your funny dance and make them look diverse without having to cope with a black man. Fuck you traitor.
Guest went way overboard there but I do agree with them that white people saying that they are the victims of racism just because an internet tumblrette called them crackers is far-fetched. I would even argue that some white people, especially older generations, tend to say that the world is now racist against them because they don't enjoy the benefits of being privileged anymore and are now stood on the same ground, meaning they have to compete and don't get stuff handed out on a silver platter anymore. Do I think that race quotas should be a thing? Hell no, that's clearly discrimination. But I do think that many companies don't tend to hire/promote minorities because a natural aspect of every group is the tendency to stay homogenous. I wouldn't solve it with quota though, I'm leaning more on the side of anonymous CVs (there was a study some time ago that showed that an African sounding name on a CV means a lower chance of getting hired than an English sounding name on the same CV).
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Fuck off, guest. I don't want to be a sterotype in a community that is literally responsible for half the crime in America, is killing itself at a much higher rate than cops can even dare to, and promotes drug use, sexual deviance, gang and street violence, and then wants to pray to God after a hard day of hustlin'. It angers and infuriates me that every day I attempt to make a friend with a white person, I am berated in real life. Sure do hate the whites but God be damned if you're live in their land, take their money from their govt, use their inventions just to spew hate. And just a test. Say "kill all white people" every day on Twitter for a year. Then say "kill all black people" on Twitter for a year. Look up what things white people are ruining these days, you'll get a few things. Guest, if you truly think the black community has no problems, than look at all the times a black guy has been shot for stepping on someone's J's or fucking someone else's bitch. Oh wait, those aren't
· 7 years ago
recorded well because you're not supposed to call the cops! But when your brother gets fucking clapped because he walked on the wrong side of the neighborhood, that phone will be pressed hot against your ear, calling for the men and women you hate oh so fucking much. One last thing. Police don't shoot people who follow directions. Yes there are racist cops, but they get arrested and put through prison as a bitch. So if you follow the sterotype to a T, paint a Target on your back and go get shot already, hood rat. I'm black and I don't care that I've already learned that speaking walking, and talking is going to get me nowhere.
I won't pretend that there are no problems in impoverished black neighborhoods but you sound as if you thought that every black person is a hood rat.
@pokethebear A-ha, it all makes sense now.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
I'm speaking nationally.
· 7 years ago
Sad story and all, but how has any of that anything to do with your little trialogue in the beginning?
Sorry Doc, they went too far in the other direction.
Now instead of hating black people, they hate white people.
Like, wow.
Complete 180.
MLK would fucking die.
You didn't only support that "whites are the new victims" bs, you joined the choir. Who's "they" anyway? MLK would probably die today like he did then. For the same reason.
It ain't bullshit. Whites are losing out more and more, they can't even take pride in their heritage and history without being called Nazis, nevermind the jerks who go out of their way to kill whites who make the mistake of setting foot in the wrong neighborhood.
And Dr King wouldn't be killed today, not for the same reason at least. He'd probably be a politician, maybe in the black caucus, assuming the Soviet connection didn't have him blacklisted from politics. But political activists in America aren't assassinated these days.
· 7 years ago
Will there be a cognitive test before they accept you to play soldier? Because based on the level of delusion and oblivion you're displaying, that might not work out...
· 7 years ago
Yes use insults. That'll make us take you way more seriously.
Shit, I just remembered who this fucker is.
Just ignore the bastard, that's the only way to handle their breed of idiocy.
Also, score of 91 on my ASVAB. Bitch.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
So you qualify as prime cannon fodder, good for you. Apparently basic connection to reality is not a required qualification.
Meanwhile my long ass comment got pretty much ignored, only downvoted once. Y'all act like you have the moral high ground but it seems to me that nobody here actually cares about debating the current situation, instead you people just try so hard to hurt to each other and have the last word.
And again zerocluepai calls me "she" to upset me. Probably cause that's the worst he could imagine someone saying to him. He doesn't get that all it does is displaying what a blueballed sorry little victim he is. And thanks to some guest I'll always associate him with this:
- ewqua, what exactly do you think you could meaningfully discuss with anyone saying that nowadays whites are the victims of blacks being racist on them, cause there's been a "full 180" since the days of MLK?
@famousone Oh, are we playing teams now? I had no idea that discourse equals football in your mind, that you pick a team, stick to it and boo on the other.
If you're actually mentally incapable of having a discussion with someone simply because they agreed with one part of an otherwise shitty comment (btw I did admit that it was otherwise way too overboard), then I have nothing to say to you. Keep waving your nice red flag and insulting everyone with blue/green/yellow/black flags even if they have reasonable things to say. Keep shutting your ears to everything that doesn't belong on your "team". Keep defending your "team" no matter what and hating the other one(s) no matter what, as if politics and world problems were a fucking game of football. It will make a you a good partisan s̷h̷e̷e̷p̷ voter.
@halfdeadhammerhead I know this looks pointless but dehumanization is a powerful ideological tool, one which we must not give in to (there's a really good episode about it in Black Mirror season 3 btw). They say dumb shit, but they're still human and can potentially be reasoned with.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Halfdead, you are reaching hard. I just didn't wanna call you it. I wouldn't say I respect you, but you are human.
Oh haha, insulting me because I don't dance and I'm not drawing a target on my back.
"It's not us vs them but your first sentence agreed with the other team so fuck you."
Nope. Still sounds like football.
Maybe read the whole thing next time before jumping to conclusions?
Edit: you remind me of one of those petty Civilization V leaders. They see you getting friendly with an insiginificant city-state and decide to wage a war against you. I crush them every time, but it's still moderately annoying to see them marching against me because of such insignificant bullshit.
Edit n.2: you two downvoting literally everything me or halfdead write and upvoting each other is reaaaaaaally convincing that you don't play teams. Keep jerking each other off, it's a good show.
It's not red and blue, it's sensible and insensible. Many of every stance fall into either. You agreed with the outlier, the PoS that obviously had no interest in civil discourse.
Again, you're judging by one line. It's a wrongly drawn conclusion that you jumped into way too soon.
· 7 years ago
"the way you type just looks female" - this is getting better and better *lol*
"Keep shutting your ears to everything that doesn't belong on your "team". Keep defending your "team" no matter what and hating the other one(s) no matter what," - this is what soldiers are supposed to do, and you heard the man: he scored a near-to-perfect score on his way to becoming the definition of a dehumanized being. Which is drop-dead funny because once he's been whining about me "dehumanizing" him by calling him GI José. And - even more funny look thru this thread and find the one calling an actual person "trash" - how dehumanizing is this? Fncking hipocrit is what he is.
I didn't know it was possible to type like a female. Does my vagina grant me magical writer powers? That'd be cool.
Yup, again Black Mirror season 3 "Men Against Fire". I won't spoil it to you but if you watch it, you'll know what I'm talking about when I mention dehumanization.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
I know that episode, and I'm absolutely sure that famousnun would root for the soldiers, until the very end. An order is an order and an enemy is an enemy. Which is why I basically was what they call an conscientious objector when I got drafted. He's the one btw you must ask what female typing is. Not sure if he meant writing though.
The ASVAB measures mathematical ability, reading comprehension, scientific aptitude, spacial reasoning, and other purely academic subjects.
Sero obviously guessed halfhead's gender from his tone, and guessed wrong. Hardly a crime.
@halfdeadhammerhead: Fuck you.
Soldiers have a responsibility to question and refuse immoral orders. If I wanted to be a mindless drone I'd be an office worker.
· 7 years ago
So you guys believe you can guess a gender from a tone? That's interesting. What's a "female tone"? And what would define a "male" tone?
And yeah, the entire history of military shows how great this "questioning and refusing immoral orders" is working, moron.
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
People can guess gender from tone, word choice, etc.
· 7 years ago
Well, from your tone I guess you have each 12 fingers and toes, but that'd be bullshit and also irrelevant. So? I know you dimwits won't dare to tell us all what makes my tone "female".
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
Goddamn, calm the fuck down. Grim literally said how I assumed you were a girl.
Also I assumed you were a girl because you seemed to rely on insults and never indicated in any way you were a guy. Before you shove your hand down my throat, "Rely on insults" means you can't seem to make a single argument without attacking me.
The clause has only existed for a few decades.
Besides that, there are millions of soldiers throughout history who defected, mutinied, fragged immoral officers, and otherwise refused to say "I was only following orders".
Every soldier who executed bad orders has only themselves to blame when they end up in Hell.
@serosenpai Bruh, if that's not sexist I don't know what is. "Girls rely on personal insults in arguments." meanwhile you two gentlemen (I mean you and famous) argued based on teams, said that someone is trash, fervently downvoted every single comment that in any way disagreed with you because I guess you want to prove something to yourselves, said that most black people nationally are hood rats, bragged with some totally irrelevant test and also tried to make a point that "it's not what you said, but the way you said it!" (referring to you saying that halfdead types like a woman)
If I was to evaluate these comments by your men=rational, women=emotional dichotomy (which by the way is deeply flawed) and gender stereotypes, I'd guess you both as women... or rather, teenage girls.
Meanwhile whenever I attempted to argue rationally (though, admittedly, even my patience has limits), I was met with generalizations and insults from you two, and I'm the only one in this thread with a vagina.
If someone were to draw conclusions from this very limited sample, they would think that gender stereotypes are the complete opposite from what you dudes see them as. But as an individualist to the core, I don't give a damn what's between your legs, only what's in your head.
@famousone I don't believe in Hell or any higher power for that matter, but that's a conversation for another day. It was known during Plato's time already that most people aren't evil but the reason why evil exists is that most people are passive while the evil guys do their thing. It's a responsibility of each and every one of us, not just soldiers, to act against the bad guys. Not following bad orders instead of actively going against those who gave them can still very much lead to bad shit happening.
I just spent nearly my entire bowel movement catching up on the comments on this post alone.
I’ll add some of my own nonsense.
1) I like football, provided the New England Patriots lose.
2) @ewqua can be reasonable, I tend to cut slack.
3) I have found that many SJWs employ a rather effeminate writing style and have made that mistake myself in the past.
4) Lately it seems perfectly acceptable to marginalize anything said or done by Caucasians simply by labeling them as racist.
5) Racist statements made in support of so called minority groups or against those perceived to be white get a free pass.
This article still exists, however the countering article 37 Things Black people ruined was taken down by Google in less than a day.
6) BHO behaved in a racist fashion on multiple occasions and never had his feet held to the fire by the “free press” because to do so would have been racist
Complete 180.
MLK would fucking die.
@pokethebear A-ha, it all makes sense now.
Sorry Doc, they went too far in the other direction.
Now instead of hating black people, they hate white people.
Like, wow.
Complete 180.
MLK would fucking die.
You didn't only support that "whites are the new victims" bs, you joined the choir. Who's "they" anyway? MLK would probably die today like he did then. For the same reason.
And Dr King wouldn't be killed today, not for the same reason at least. He'd probably be a politician, maybe in the black caucus, assuming the Soviet connection didn't have him blacklisted from politics. But political activists in America aren't assassinated these days.
Just ignore the bastard, that's the only way to handle their breed of idiocy.
Also, score of 91 on my ASVAB. Bitch.
- ewqua, what exactly do you think you could meaningfully discuss with anyone saying that nowadays whites are the victims of blacks being racist on them, cause there's been a "full 180" since the days of MLK?
If you're actually mentally incapable of having a discussion with someone simply because they agreed with one part of an otherwise shitty comment (btw I did admit that it was otherwise way too overboard), then I have nothing to say to you. Keep waving your nice red flag and insulting everyone with blue/green/yellow/black flags even if they have reasonable things to say. Keep shutting your ears to everything that doesn't belong on your "team". Keep defending your "team" no matter what and hating the other one(s) no matter what, as if politics and world problems were a fucking game of football. It will make a you a good partisan s̷h̷e̷e̷p̷ voter.
Oh haha, insulting me because I don't dance and I'm not drawing a target on my back.
Nope. Still sounds like football.
Maybe read the whole thing next time before jumping to conclusions?
Edit: you remind me of one of those petty Civilization V leaders. They see you getting friendly with an insiginificant city-state and decide to wage a war against you. I crush them every time, but it's still moderately annoying to see them marching against me because of such insignificant bullshit.
Edit n.2: you two downvoting literally everything me or halfdead write and upvoting each other is reaaaaaaally convincing that you don't play teams. Keep jerking each other off, it's a good show.
"Keep shutting your ears to everything that doesn't belong on your "team". Keep defending your "team" no matter what and hating the other one(s) no matter what," - this is what soldiers are supposed to do, and you heard the man: he scored a near-to-perfect score on his way to becoming the definition of a dehumanized being. Which is drop-dead funny because once he's been whining about me "dehumanizing" him by calling him GI José. And - even more funny look thru this thread and find the one calling an actual person "trash" - how dehumanizing is this? Fncking hipocrit is what he is.
Yup, again Black Mirror season 3 "Men Against Fire". I won't spoil it to you but if you watch it, you'll know what I'm talking about when I mention dehumanization.
Sero obviously guessed halfhead's gender from his tone, and guessed wrong. Hardly a crime.
@halfdeadhammerhead: Fuck you.
And yeah, the entire history of military shows how great this "questioning and refusing immoral orders" is working, moron.
Also I assumed you were a girl because you seemed to rely on insults and never indicated in any way you were a guy. Before you shove your hand down my throat, "Rely on insults" means you can't seem to make a single argument without attacking me.
Besides that, there are millions of soldiers throughout history who defected, mutinied, fragged immoral officers, and otherwise refused to say "I was only following orders".
Every soldier who executed bad orders has only themselves to blame when they end up in Hell.
If I was to evaluate these comments by your men=rational, women=emotional dichotomy (which by the way is deeply flawed) and gender stereotypes, I'd guess you both as women... or rather, teenage girls.
Meanwhile whenever I attempted to argue rationally (though, admittedly, even my patience has limits), I was met with generalizations and insults from you two, and I'm the only one in this thread with a vagina.
@famousone I don't believe in Hell or any higher power for that matter, but that's a conversation for another day. It was known during Plato's time already that most people aren't evil but the reason why evil exists is that most people are passive while the evil guys do their thing. It's a responsibility of each and every one of us, not just soldiers, to act against the bad guys. Not following bad orders instead of actively going against those who gave them can still very much lead to bad shit happening.
I’ll add some of my own nonsense.
1) I like football, provided the New England Patriots lose.
2) @ewqua can be reasonable, I tend to cut slack.
3) I have found that many SJWs employ a rather effeminate writing style and have made that mistake myself in the past.
4) Lately it seems perfectly acceptable to marginalize anything said or done by Caucasians simply by labeling them as racist.
5) Racist statements made in support of so called minority groups or against those perceived to be white get a free pass.
This article still exists, however the countering article 37 Things Black people ruined was taken down by Google in less than a day.
6) BHO behaved in a racist fashion on multiple occasions and never had his feet held to the fire by the “free press” because to do so would have been racist