I never understood why some people would eat some leaves but not others, based on anything else than taste. As a kid I ate grass sometimes, well it's not more disgusting than salad. We are strange sometimes.
Bay leaves are hard and not appetizing to eat, but flavoring is great. That is like asking why some one why they like to eat oranges by the slice, but not lemons.
· 7 years ago
It's an bay leaf often used whilst cooking but should me removed after since it isn't really edible, it's not like other spices where you can grind it up and just consume it
Whole bay leaves are good for cooking but you need to take it out. It doesn't soften, and it can pose a risk to your digestive tract on occasion even if it isn't toxic. If you're not going to strain the food, use crushed bay leaf.
Yes, it is true that every race on earth has the tendency to kill humans from other tribes or races, but you have to admit that us white people have done it the most. That has nothing to do with white people today though, we are not inherently more violent or some shit like that
Yes, as a XXI century's European woman, I totally feel an emotional bond with Vikings or Colombus... especially when I'm talking about seasonings[/sarcasm] ',;)
· 7 years ago
Proposal for Stephen Colbert's Furry Hat editions: well situated white folks may well complain about being victims of racism, provided at the same time they confess to being guilty of cultural and racial appropriation. Brains will explode. Multiple problems solved.
If by "multiple problems solved" you really mean "absolutely nothing solved", then I'm in complete accordance.
· 7 years ago
I still don’t understand the concept of cultural appropriation, let alone racial appropriation. We live in a world where cultures meet and merge, of course elements are gonna be taken over. That’s why for example they have western clothes in the tiniest of African villages and McDonalds almost everywhere in the world. And how the hell does the colour of your skin determine the culture you can belong to?
So silly, it shows you never cook!!! That look like a bay leaf to me to add flavor to your food! The spice gives great smell and taste! Buy canned foods or go to Mac Donald!
- immediately judges entire race by one bad person