Parenting isnt about saying no, its about letting your child make their own mistakes and learn from them. You have to instill a good sense of morals. As much as people go on about "this entitled generation" in reality its a failure to let children make their own mistakes through helicopter parenting, as well as failing to teach that their are more important things then that which are material
Agreed, it's also the parents job to determine when their child has failed and enforce the repercussions of that failure. Too many times a child will fail but because they don't recognize it as failure they learn to make that failure a regular activity. This can have major repercussion as they grow into an adult.
It's nuanced. As @lucky11 alludes to- there is no "No" in the real world. You can't force an adult to comply only give reason to. There are simply decisions and consequences. The "say no to drugs" campaign illustrates how well simply telling kids "no" works. Kids are smart, and they tend to get smarter with age. Someday they'll question blind authority and wonder how bad a thing could really be. Often it is after they see someone else or themselves do something they were told "no" and don't perceive any negative consequence. So sometimes you need a plain "no," maybe they aren't yet old enough for the reason, establishing rightful authority is key though. If a child gets to the "questioning age" and trusts your guidance they are more likely to listen than one who just sees you as "always stopping them from doing what they want." I'd use a plain "no" as little as possible.
damn i'm so fucking mean xD
Crying kids are annoying as shit