The sex doll is for sex. Robot maid for cleaning and clothes. I can cook for myself no problem. I'm not privy to having kids. Also, assuming I'd be paying for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 3+ people instead of 1 with kids and a wife, the sex doll pays for itself relatively quickly, so that option looks even better.
Edit: Checkmate.
Why do people care so much if people they aren't involved with want a sex doll? Like, I'm not dating you, what do I care what you legally stick your dick in? That's just more time in a day that I'm at no risk of having to interact with you somehow, go for it. Buy two. Enjoy.
Wow. The first two sentences were ok but in the third you send them on the guilt trip/ creep trip.
btw: what is so bad if a guy wants to have a choice/alternative? it is totaly ok if a girl has a bunch of dildos under her bed but when a guy wants something more than a fleshlight or a wank then he is a creep.
@guest I literally spelled out in words that people can have as many sex bots as they want and I won't bother them. They're not hurting me, so I won't infringe on their right to do what they want. So my question is this: since I am not hurting or denouncing anyone, why am I not allowed to not want to interact with somebody who keeps a whole fake person in their closet? Nobody requires my time or friendship to live, I can withhold it for any reason I want. I don't hang out with vegans or heavy drinkers either, I'm not required by law to interact with somebody whose hobbies weird me out just because I don't mind if they have them.
A sex dolls only value is sex. If your only value is sex, or you intend to use sex as a weapon, you should be concerned about sex dolls. If you have value as a human being though beyond "what dat mouth (and other parts) do" then you don't need to feel threatened. So long as it's legal and they aren't hurting anyone let's agree to not try to tell other people how they should masturbate. If I can't or won't fulfill my partners needs I have no problem with them getting a toy. My current partner bought a robot vacuum but sometimes we still do it the old fashioned way because while a robot can be ready whenever they want, I do a better job. Know your value, be secure in it or work to raise it to the point where you can be secure with yourself. Now y'all have fun masturbating or not masturbating how ever you like, I don't need or want to know the details.
If you feel threatened by sex dolls
... and no, I won't finish that sentence cause I hiebstly don't know how people can be so low that they feel they're going to be replaced by a sex object, a thing that's only used for sex
Maybe bc sex is all those people can give
I personally think of it this way (I'll try to make it as gender and sexual orientation neutral as I can, even though we all know that the primary market for sex dolls are lonely straight dudes):
People who buy sex dolls usually don't value the companionship part of a relationship, and only care about their own satisfaction. In a way, such a mindset can be hurtful to other people who may find themselves in a relationship with such a person, because one day the realize they're just being used. If we're talking about straight relationships, you could say that the mindset I described is just sexism. (1/2)
If we're talking about gay people, idk if you can be truly sexist against your own sex without a heavy dose of self-loathing, but I think we can all agree that it is simply demeaning and equally as bad as with straight people because you're still objectifying other human beings.
Therefore, sex dolls are a good thing in the long run because they will a) keep these toxic people out of the gene pool, b) prevent them from hurting someone. And bonus c) they may help with overpopulation, though that is entirely theoretical since these dolls are quite expensive and only rich people will be able to afford them. (2/2)
I was talking specifically about sexbots. Idk I think that fleshlights and dildos are a bit different because they don't simulate a human so precisely.
That said, it was pretty funny.
Look up the wiki on sex-doll history, that's also funny.
The real difference is this: It's WAY easier to build a fake dick vs a fake vagina. Since fake dicks have been around for literally 10's of thousands of years they aren't nearly as taboo... in fact it's strange to find a culture that exists without dildos.
Even now, fleshlights are looked at in basically the same light as a sex robot.
· 7 years ago
@funkmasterrex the problem with "fake vaginas" is, that they feel in 99% of the times not really good. most ### toys for mans are really crappy.. they cost a lot, but they don't really stimulate.. it's often a cash-grab.. and not a good toy.
that's my entire point. Think about it... Greeks basically used slave boys as their "fleshlights"... 25,000 years AFTER women figured out a polished elongated rock could work for them. In the article it notes that the rock had some flint marks; I'm betting you that was so they could start a fire and heat the damn thing up... since stone can get cold... especially in Germany 28,000 years ago.
I'm guessing that the reason why dildos have been around for so long is that the focus has always been on the male orgasm, since female orgasm isn't needed for conception and once a dude cums, he physically can't continue. So ancient women had to find some way to get off. What I don't get is why are dildos so popular when the most sensitive part of the vagina is the clit anyway. Then again I never tried one myself but I guess it just feels like fucking. So, meh.
· 7 years ago
1) that a man can't continue after a orgasm (or cumming) is a myth. they / we can. but after a orgasm most mans just feel like in heaven and don't have the feeling of wanting to continue (because they are already feel realllyyyy good). but if they need / want to, they can continue seconds after. and that not just one time.. you can do that for more than 4-6 times.
2) there are woman sex toys who too have vibration on the clit, so yeah^-^* it's not just about the vagina itself.
eh... maybe if you're in a fist fight with another human, but if you're trying to take something that's going to take 20 people to bring down, I'd say focus on cooperation over aggression makes more sense.
Historically it's thought to be quite common in situations like that the men would have sex with each other. In fact Spartan men were believed to have been quite openly into homosexuality. It's thought that those bonds between soldiers made them more likely to want to stick together and protect each other. Evidence points to spartan marriages having the woman's head shaves and dressed as a man, as most spartan men of age had more experience with men and it would make it easier for them on their wedding night. After consummating the marriage the woman would return to birth the child and the man would go back to service in the military.
True. We don't really concretely know too much from back then. We have found what are believed to be ancient dildos from the era though, so if they were smart enough (and motivated) to carve sex toys from rock I'm going to assume the men folk had figured out butts are holes too. I would be rather curious though, as you say, to find out how common it was. Sadly we may never know.
@itselectric if a woman use s## toys it's the normalest thing for most people, but if a guy does the same he is a p#rv & sick. Thats what sadly the most people think about this topic. Womans even have dildo partys.. If guys would do such a thing.. I don't even want to guess what would happen. i mean.. come on.. girls even have dildo's with a silcone body attached on them so they can "sit on the body of a man" while riding their dildo.. and f*ck-machines.. why guys don't should then have too s## toys who are more than just silicone? womans already have "s## bots" (look it up.. it's called "f#ck machine") ..
P. S: the badword filter of FS is horrible. I needed to rewrite my text for like 20 times till i could post my comment (because i found out that the filter is filtering out a symbol who is not even a bad word).. And now i could not even write all Stuff i wanted.. Thanks d*ckish badword filter.
yup.. and it's filtering out stuff who is not even bad.. like this symbol -> /
p.s: i don't know why i could post that symbol now, but in my last comment i didn't could post my comment because my text had this symbol in it (after removing it i could post it).. weird.. and the badword filter get mysterious again.. q_q
Do you have to enable the filter? Because I've cussed like a sailor and seen others do the same and have yet to see anything filtered. I've seen meme deletion... If I say that's fucked up shit does it read for you as that's fucked up shit or something like $)#*@) up #($@..... ?
· 7 years ago
no, you don't have to disable or enable the filter. it's i think serverside / clientside & checks your text before you post. if anything "bad" is in your text, you can't post it till you removed the "bad" part inside the text (there is a error message, but these message don't even tell you that you can't post it because some bad word.. it's just sayin "i don't gonna post that bro"..). it's not a filter who is replacing bad words with stuff like $%&)1=ยง= or something.. it just don't let you post your text which contains the bad stuff. (and it DON'T tell you what part in your text it don't wants.. so you sit there for minutes try'ing to figure out what thing in your text is "bad" because there is no clue..)
huh... I've never encountered that. My beef is with the 80 character limit lol. What the hell would you have to type for it to trigger?! Perhaps a link was looked at like some sort of advertisement from a spambot or something?
· 7 years ago
nah, no link, no bad stuff. i just had the same text like you can see above from me, just a little longer. i didn't even had bad words / insult's or stuff which could be interpreted in it.. thats the thing i can't understand about this filter. sometimes it seems to just "feel insulted" and don't let you post, even if you don't have anything bad in your text. i even tried to remove words like "dildo" etc. in my text because that.. but these word's don't seem to trigger it.. don't know what the hell is happening sometimes with that filter.
lol I meant the 80 post limit, but the character limit also get's me like.. grrr... what is it? 1,000 character limit?
· 7 years ago
i don't know for sure how much character it is, but often i run against that character limit wall.. it's really annoying if you want to communicate with some people and then you need to write like 2-3 posts :/
we we are looking at a woman sex toy (not even the complexest & expensivest). and they call US perverts for wanting sex-bots.. yeah, sure :P
*duck and run as fast i can away*
Edit: Checkmate.
btw: what is so bad if a guy wants to have a choice/alternative? it is totaly ok if a girl has a bunch of dildos under her bed but when a guy wants something more than a fleshlight or a wank then he is a creep.
... and no, I won't finish that sentence cause I hiebstly don't know how people can be so low that they feel they're going to be replaced by a sex object, a thing that's only used for sex
Maybe bc sex is all those people can give
People who buy sex dolls usually don't value the companionship part of a relationship, and only care about their own satisfaction. In a way, such a mindset can be hurtful to other people who may find themselves in a relationship with such a person, because one day the realize they're just being used. If we're talking about straight relationships, you could say that the mindset I described is just sexism. (1/2)
Therefore, sex dolls are a good thing in the long run because they will a) keep these toxic people out of the gene pool, b) prevent them from hurting someone. And bonus c) they may help with overpopulation, though that is entirely theoretical since these dolls are quite expensive and only rich people will be able to afford them. (2/2)
That said, it was pretty funny.
The real difference is this: It's WAY easier to build a fake dick vs a fake vagina. Since fake dicks have been around for literally 10's of thousands of years they aren't nearly as taboo... in fact it's strange to find a culture that exists without dildos.
Even now, fleshlights are looked at in basically the same light as a sex robot.
2) there are woman sex toys who too have vibration on the clit, so yeah^-^* it's not just about the vagina itself.
P. S: the badword filter of FS is horrible. I needed to rewrite my text for like 20 times till i could post my comment (because i found out that the filter is filtering out a symbol who is not even a bad word).. And now i could not even write all Stuff i wanted.. Thanks d*ckish badword filter.
p.s: i don't know why i could post that symbol now, but in my last comment i didn't could post my comment because my text had this symbol in it (after removing it i could post it).. weird.. and the badword filter get mysterious again.. q_q
p.s: i too hate the character limit x_x
we we are looking at a woman sex toy (not even the complexest & expensivest). and they call US perverts for wanting sex-bots.. yeah, sure :P
*duck and run as fast i can away*