Okay but correcting teachers (as long as you do it in a respectable way) is different than disrespecting them. Children getting taught incorrect information shouldn’t be allowed purely out of keeping teachers respected.
Alot of that is because do to the relatively low pay and the high cost of the education needed many public schools find it hard to place qualified teachers into positions. Instead you get a qualified English teacher, teaching history, or a History teacher teaching Economics. To be clear qualifying to teach doesn't necessarily mean they know the subject they might have to teach. You'd think so, but you'd be wrong. Many states treat teaching as a generality and the subjects as specialties. So you can be a certified teacher with a Master's in Literature and end up teaching art.
Things like that can have disastrous consequences though. I’ve had teachers that were so self important that they were berating grade 9s for not having “three degrees.” Correcting teachers shouldn’t be treated with so much contempt.
Yes, it is always the smartest kids in the class doing the disrespecting...the ones who know EVERYTHING....or rather, it is the ones who know nothing and waste everyone's time by disrupting.
@mickymouse That would be Florida. Which consistently finds itself in the middle bottom of all the States for education. It can be traced back to the policy makers and their complete and utter lack of education experience. It is not surprising for an entire school board to consist of people who's education experience ended when they graduated college or high school. Since it's an elected position there is no "qualification" they have to have in regards to education/experience. Instead you get alot of "pillars of the community" and business men/woman who are just as likely to embezzle or lose $100k as they are to actually try and help the schools they oversee.
I meant starting. Meaning technically I'm a long term substitute in the process of receiving a teaching certificate from the State with the plan of being a normal paid teacher when i get it.
My buddy is a teacher. Works 10 months for $65,000 and gets annual increases (will peak around 90k) and will have a >$5,000/month pension when he retires. and has a summer job. Don’t tell me that is shit money.
I’m not calling you or your friend a liar, but I am a teacher and I make $37,000 a year. No annual increases, no pension at the end, just a little over $3000 a month and decent medical benefits. I say decent because copays are still high as hell, but that’s a different argument.
I am aware that teachers in different states and different countries will definitely be paid differently, but what you have described your friend as making is not the norm. Teachers, speaking generally, are underpaid and under-appreciated.
Your article says AVERAGE NY teachers make about $78K, that is wildly skewed by NYC because Buffalo Area makes 22% less than that. Central NY is even less. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2017/08/24/how-much-americans-earn-at-every-age.html
Districts in the Buffalo area pay well above the national average salary.
The article isn't skewed. It's simply giving a state average. Each district will be different. Buffalo pays extremely well (especially) considering how cheap it is to live there. I'm simply pointing out that it's not the case for the majority of the US. Florida, where I live, is at the bottom of the pay scale. To say teachers get paid well isn't a true statement for the majority of the US. As I mentioned, high pay usually (but not always) results in a high cost of living. Buffalo being an exception to that rule.
And since you put the word friend in quotes on your first comment I would like to point out that I have friends and relatives that teach in three of the four districts I linked.
I 100% did not believe you about the salary, not that you had friends. lol. I was wrong on his salary. The facts you posted showed me that. I'm not opposed to changing my views based on new information. They pay well up there. That said, most teachers are not paid well.
I make $52,000 and haven't had a raise in years. And every raise I get is followed by an equal increase in insurance. I started out 18 years ago bringing home $2400 a month as my net. Today I bring home $2600 net. Yes, we get off 2 months, but we only get paid for 10 months. They just divided it by 12 so we get a pay check every month.
If they call me stupid because they sit me in the back of the room when they know full well I only have 47% hearing and I don't do well in their 'I was taught to teach in great Britain' English class you bet I hated her and had zero respect for her. Although nobody really did well in her class, except for one boy and there were some rumors about that, the kid carried an A grade two years in a row when everyone else struggled to make a low C. Shortly after that grading information sparked an investigation said teacher was quietly reassigned to a non teaching role.
Schools in China have shitty teachers that will literally raise your mark if your parents give them a small amount of money. Guess how my cousin got himself “class president”
Teachers being underpaid is bs. Starting pay sucks, but after tenure it's pretty sweet deal. Look in the parking lot for teachers and compare it to most employee parking lots. That will give you an idea of how things are in reality. Teachers have a captive audience to complain to and keep the myth alive.
Yeah I know that, but no one beilieved me. She also hated all boys, and discriminated against them. And the worst part, she would come over to the ADHD table everytime she had to fart, and it was the nastiest thing ever.
No they cannot complain about their salaries because they knew what their salary range would be when they decided to go into teaching. They knew that teachers are underpaid.
Hell naw, we need to pay our teachers adequately. Low pay means shitty teachers, which means shitty graduates, which means we'll end up with a ton of shitty adults.
Mickeymouse, think about it like this: underpaying the field of teaching in general (which it seems like all of us in this thread agree is currently happening) deters those who would be great teachers because they have to forfeit a career they want in favor of a career that will pay them adequately. Even if we got to a point in our society where we OVERpaid teachers, then schools and school districts would have way more applicants and schools could then be more discerning in who gets the job and thus teaching positions could be filled with good teachers.
If someone you disagreed with on something and they stopped respecting you as a person, how would you feel?
I am aware that teachers in different states and different countries will definitely be paid differently, but what you have described your friend as making is not the norm. Teachers, speaking generally, are underpaid and under-appreciated.
This is not NYC. This is Buffalo Area, 400 miles from NYC. The medical benefits are exemplary as well and for many include lifetime coverage depending on years in the union and age at retirement.
Districts in the Buffalo area pay well above the national average salary.
Not even a question, bitch should've been fired.