While she seems like human garbage to me, and I try not to take pleasure in the suffering of others, even ones who are garbage- I do have to think that her recent experiences probably won't help change her views at all. While largely her own fault she she seems more likely to blame Africa and or "Blacks" and POC in general and associate her unpleasant experiences there as reinforcement she is right in her negative thinking. In this case there may not be anything to be done, but do try and remember that positive experiences tend to do more to change people's thinking (especially bigots) than returning their hate and unpleasantness.
· 7 years ago
Ugh, Rebel Media.
I may be conservative, but I'm not a fucking idiot.
She is a British journalist who writes incredibly inciteful articles. She has written lots of offensive tweets and doesn't seem to have any filter so long as she's getting recognised for what she's saying. She's generally despised by a lot of people in Britain and everyone loved it when Philip Schofield took her down in This Morning (a UK breakfast TV show); she said she thought children named after locations were common and she wouldn't allow her children to play with them, he pointed out that her child is called India.
2013. It doesn't excuse her for being an idiot or contemptible person though. She is the same person who said she'd walk down the street with a sausage up her bum if a certain person was elected the Mayor of London, amongst other stupidities and false allegations about people.
She not super well known in the US. She was on the UK apprentice before becoming a blow hard media personality and “journalist.” There’s too much to list but she’s called immigrants “cockroaches” and “feral humans,” advocated gun ships securing the borders against civilians, tried to convince the mayor to use water cannons on protestors, used derogatory language and racial slurs, is an admitted snob who believes snobbery is a virtue, said she was fine being labeled as racist (and retweeted a follower with the tag “antijewden” with a swastika profile pic to back her stances.... she’s a hot mess of xenophobic selfishness who like many, hides behind freedom when it protects her, and criticizes it when it protects those she doesn’t care for. Her daughters name is India. In a Thrace about “low class names” like place names (she hates) she defended her name saying “India has nothing to do with a place.” She’s a moron and human waste.
i regret to inform you that using a word to describe something that is the exact definition of a word isn’t a “label” but called “Language.” I understand certain people would like to remove certain words from use as they do not like being associated with those words- but “One who is unduely fearful of things which are foreign- especially people” is pretty apt here. Now- perhaps we could argue she isn’t a xenophobe, providing her constant pleas to fear foreigners, her constant statements of fear that all foreigners pose an extreme danger to herself and society- were in fact lies crafted simply because she hates foreigners. In which case she’d be a hateful/racist/ignorant fear mongerer. I suspect she is in fact a hateful/racist/ignorant person, a fear monger, AND a xenophobe. People getting upset over people being easily offended in 2018 and I can’t even use a word as intended without hurting someone’s sensibilities?
Certain buzzwords have lost meaning because the hand wringers have misused them for so long. When commenters describe Ben Shapiro (the Orthodox Jew) as “a literal Nazi” or call all CPB agents xenophobes or call people racist for having anti trump Islamic opinions they are so far from the mark as to be considered ridiculous. The little boy who cried wolf should be mandated reading in every university in the US, unfortunately these people would find a reason to protest the book like the patriarchy is promoting its own by making the child a boy (oh look, patriarchy is another one).
Humorously enough one of this ladies recurring thoughts is on how being called racist doesn’t matter because it’s “lost all meaning.” While it’s true that people commonly overuse words or use words as hyperbole- they only lose meaning when we stop listening. It’s easy to tune out the drone of a million voices shouting about how lack of free internet is exactly the same as the Rwandan genocide, or how Foodco refusing to honor an out of date coupon is institutionalized racism because you’re grandpa was 1/16th Lebanese. But when someone is a racist- they are a racist. I’m not going to let a bunch of idiots and over reactors prevent me from using words appropriately.
But if it makes you feel better please feel free to mentally replace the term “xenophobic” with “she’s a hot mess of racial bigotry and unfounded hate based fear of foreign people and things she finds unfamiliar.”
From the country that expropriates people land because they are “white”. You poor kids are so blinded by your emotional responses to facts you can’t see the hypocrisy in your fascism.
@guest- and you obviously know nothing of history to make such a statement. Why is it "their" land? How did they come to posses land in South Africa? Perhaps that person did no wrong. If my father steals your father life savings- you didn't work for the money, and didn't steal it, so should I be the rightful owner? It's more complex than that, and it's sad that some people get hurt regardless of the cause- but places with strong histories of racism and oppression have complex issues on how to best correct past mistakes while avoiding creating an inverse problem.
It keeps getting better
I may be conservative, but I'm not a fucking idiot.