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· 7 years ago
Just look before you use the toilet and adjust accordingly, applies to both sexes
· 7 years ago
IMO I'm getting my hands dirty by using the bathroom anyway, I don't mind touching the toilet seat, unless it's covered in dry piss or something. I'll just be washing my hands either way
· 7 years ago
Here's a question, why do guys have to raise the seat at all. Aim and if you miss clean it up. Aside from that it really depends on the household. If you are a guy living with a bunch of girls, sisters daughters, whatever else, and you are the only guy, put the seat down. The same if true is a girl is out numbered by guys. If the majority in the household needs it up, leave it up. There is also a case to be made in if only one person is doing most of the cleaning, especially of the toilet, their preferences trump others.
· 7 years ago
i don't get neither why men put the seat up... I don't even understand why we do have seats : why toilets can't just have larger border for you to seat ?
· 7 years ago
because its harder to aim in the smaller hole. a larger hole gives more error margin. the more you know
· 7 years ago
Its maybe a total 4 inch difference. That isn't much margin increase. Maybe figure out how to aim better or sit down.
· 7 years ago
Sometimes pee streams don't behave though. I don't get why we stand up. I get urinals, and I get if you are in the 1% where your dick drags in the toilet water, but otherwise, why not just sit down and piss? You don't have to aim... and if you feel a shit coming on, hey, you're already there. It makes drunk pisses a lot easier as well. I've only recently started experimenting with it and have yet to really encounter a downside.
· 7 years ago
The whole toilet should be closed before flushing as when it's flushed it creates what is called a "bacteria plume" which is an invisible cloud of airborne bacteria and will make bacteria (including tge type on your faeces) land all over your bathroom
· 7 years ago
Exactly my thought
· 7 years ago
That’s why I’m not a fan of public restroom toilets with no lids.
· 7 years ago
Why doesn’t everybody just put the seat and lid down when they’re done. That way, nothing falls in, and everyone has to equally touch the yucky seat at some point instead of just guys having to deal with it. Fair.
· 7 years ago
I pick the seat up so I don’t accidentally pee on the seat. Even if I have dead shots aim that doesn’t mean the rifle is gonna shoot straight. Or have a double shot an go two separate ways. I ask my buds who use the main bathroom, to put the seat up so they don’t have peter dribble all over the seat. The warden knows she needs to look before she sits on the throne. Cause I might forget to put it back down an she don’t wanna go for a swim! I don’t worry about gettin piss on my hands cause I just use some rolled up tp to wipe the seat before I sit or when I pick up the seat.
· 7 years ago
Ya don't leave the seat up so nobody ever has to endure dipping their butt in the toilet when they take to it at night.
· 7 years ago
I'm a male and I just sit down when I pee. IMO it's more comfortable and there's less chance of spillage. Nothing dominating about standing up.
· 7 years ago
beat me too it.
· 7 years ago
I actually do! Haha. I often stay at my partners place and he's got 2 other male housemates and since they always have the toilet seat up- when I am finished using it I put it back up. Manners.
· 7 years ago
We put the lid down otherwise the cats play in the water. Everyone has to lift, everyone has to lower. Plus, you spray less fecal matter around the room when flushing if the lid is down.
· 7 years ago
My mom leaves the toilet seat up and it annoys me because when she flushes the bacteria goes everywhere
Edited 7 years ago
· 7 years ago
"as a female" doesn't sound fake at all